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  1. Few studies have evaluated the characteristics of elderly patients with polypharmacy refusing deprescribing. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of potentially inappropriate medication (PIM) u...

    Authors: Junpei Komagamine, Kenichi Sugawara and Kazuhiko Hagane
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:96
  2. Supporting older adults’ health and wellbeing in the community is an important policy goal that can be supported by health promotion. Despite widespread acceptance of the biopsychosocial model of health and it...

    Authors: Gina Agarwal and Madison Brydges
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:95
  3. The promotion of physical activity (PA) plays a major role for healthy ageing even in older age. There is a lack of cross-sectional and longitudinal studies explicitly dealing with barriers and drivers to PA i...

    Authors: Lena Lübs, Jenny Peplies, Carina Drell and Karin Bammann
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:94
  4. Physical exercise, cognitive training, and vitamin D are low cost interventions that have the potential to enhance cognitive function and mobility in older adults, especially in pre-dementia states such as Mil...

    Authors: Manuel Montero-Odasso, Quincy J. Almeida, Amer M. Burhan, Richard Camicioli, Julien Doyon, Sarah Fraser, Karen Li, Teresa Liu-Ambrose, Laura Middleton, Susan Muir-Hunter, William McIlroy, José A. Morais, Frederico Pieruccini-Faria, Kevin Shoemaker, Mark Speechley, Akshya Vasudev…
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:93
  5. The risk of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) increases with age and significantly impacts morbidity and mortality in the elderly population. The burden of illness and cost of preventing CAP has not been comp...

    Authors: Joshua D. Brown, James Harnett, Richard Chambers and Reiko Sato
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:92
  6. There is growing evidence that mobility interventions can increase in-hospital mobility and prevent hospitalization-associated functional decline among older adults. However, implementing such interventions is...

    Authors: Anna Zisberg, Maayan Agmon, Nurit Gur-Yaish, Debbie Rand, Yehudit Hayat and Efrat Gil
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:91
  7. Recent transitions in long-term care in the Netherlands have major consequences for community-dwelling older adults. A new paradigm expects them to manage and arrange their own care and support as much as poss...

    Authors: Sarah Willard, Ger Cremers, Yan Ping Man, Erik van Rossum, Marieke Spreeuwenberg and Luc de Witte
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:87
  8. A fundamental issue in elderly care is targeting those older people at risk and in need of care interventions. Frailty is widely used to capture variations in health risks but there is no general consensus on ...

    Authors: W. M. Looman, I. N. Fabbricotti, J. W. Blom, A. P. D. Jansen, J. E. Lutomski, S. F. Metzelthin and R. Huijsman
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:84
  9. Biomarkers of biological aging – DNA methylation age (DNAm age) and leukocyte telomere length (LTL)– correlate strongly with chronological age across the life course. It is, however, unclear how these measures...

    Authors: Elina Sillanpää, Eija K. Laakkonen, Elina Vaara, Taina Rantanen, Vuokko Kovanen, Sarianna Sipilä, Jaakko Kaprio and Miina Ollikainen
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:83
  10. Some older people who find standard exercise programmes too strenuous may be encouraged to exercise while remaining seated - chair based exercises (CBE). We previously developed a consensus CBE programme (CCBE...

    Authors: K. R. Robinson, A. L. Long, P. Leighton, S. Armstrong, R. Pulikottill-Jacob, J. R. F. Gladman, A. L. Gordon, P. Logan, K. A. Anthony, R. H. Harwood, P. E. Blackshaw and T. Masud
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:82
  11. Self-rated health predicts health outcomes independently of levels of disability or mood. Little is known about what influences the subjective health experience of stroke survivors. Our aim was to investigate ...

    Authors: N. Mavaddat, E. Sadler, L. Lim, K. Williams, E. Warburton, A. L. Kinmonth, J. Mant, J. Burt and C. McKevitt
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:81
  12. Few studies have simultaneously examined changes in physical, cognitive and emotional performance throughout the aging process.

    Authors: Haritz Arrieta, Chloe Rezola-Pardo, Iñaki Echeverria, Miren Iturburu, Susana Maria Gil, Jose Javier Yanguas, Jon Irazusta and Ana Rodriguez-Larrad
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:80
  13. Low grip strength in older inpatients is associated with poor healthcare outcomes including longer length of stay and mortality. Measuring grip strength is simple and inexpensive. However, it is not routinely ...

    Authors: Kinda Ibrahim, Carl R. May, Harnish P. Patel, Mark Baxter, Avan A. Sayer and Helen C. Roberts
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:79
  14. Malnutrition in patients admitted to hospital may have detrimental effects on recovery and healing. Malnutrition is preceded by a state of malnutrition risk, yet malnutrition risk is often not detected during ...

    Authors: Idah Chatindiara, Jacqueline Allen, Amy Popman, Darshan Patel, Marilize Richter, Marlena Kruger and Carol Wham
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:78
  15. Many older adults have low levels of health literacy which affects their ability to participate optimally in healthcare. It is unclear how cognitive decline contributes to health literacy. To study this, longi...

    Authors: Bas Geboers, Ellen Uiters, Sijmen A. Reijneveld, Carel J. M. Jansen, Josué Almansa, Astrid C. J. Nooyens, W. M. Monique Verschuren, Andrea F. de Winter and H. Susan J. Picavet
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:77
  16. This survey aims to evaluate the prevalence and severity of tooth loss in the Italian elderly population living in nursing homes and to associate the oral data with demographic, socioeconomic factors, the Mini...

    Authors: Fabio Cocco, Guglielmo Campus, Laura Strohmenger, Viviana Cortesi Ardizzone and Maria Grazia Cagetti
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:76
  17. Despite the substantial number of older adults suffering from gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms little is known regarding the character of these complaints and whether they are associated with an altered intestin...

    Authors: John-Peter Ganda Mall, Lina Östlund-Lagerström, Carl Mårten Lindqvist, Samal Algilani, Dara Rasoal, Dirk Repsilber, Robert J. Brummer, Åsa V. Keita and Ida Schoultz
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:75
  18. The magnitude of safety risks related to medications of the older adults has been evidenced by numerous studies, but less is known of how to manage and prevent these risks in different health care settings. Th...

    Authors: Terhi Toivo, Maarit Dimitrow, Juha Puustinen, Eeva Savela, Katariina Pelkonen, Valtteri Kiuru, Tuula Suominen, Sirkka Kinnunen, Mira Uunimäki, Sirkka-Liisa Kivelä, Saija Leikola and Marja Airaksinen
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:74
  19. The association between pain and diabetes in older people has been largely unexplored. The aim of this survey was to analyze the prevalence and characteristics of pain among Finnish men and women 65 or older w...

    Authors: M. Karjalainen, J. Saltevo, M. Tiihonen, M. Haanpää, H. Kautiainen and P. Mäntyselkä
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:73
  20. Geriatric syndromes are rarely detected in family medicine. Within the AGE program (active geriatric evaluation), a brief assessment tool (BAT) designed for family physicians (FP) was developed and its diagnos...

    Authors: Yolanda K. Mueller, Stefanie Monod, Isabella Locatelli, Christophe Büla, Jacques Cornuz and Nicolas Senn
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:72
  21. To investigate the association between isolated and combined affective and cognitive impairments with functional outcomes and discharge destination in older patients admitted to rehabilitation after a hip frac...

    Authors: Laurence Seematter-Bagnoud, Sylvain Frascarolo and Christophe J. Büla
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:71
  22. Sarcopenic Obesity (SO) is characterized by low lean and high fat mass; i.e. from a functional aspect a disproportion between engine (muscle) and mass to be moved (fat). At present, most research focuses on th...

    Authors: Wolfgang Kemmler, Matthias Kohl, Ellen Freiberger, Cornel Sieber and Simon von Stengel
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:70
  23. This systematic review aims to review the literature on trial-based economic evaluations of non-pharmacological interventions directly targeted at persons with dementia as well as persons with mild cognitive i...

    Authors: Franziska Nickel, Janina Barth and Peter L. Kolominsky-Rabas
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:69
  24. Previous studies have reported a relationship between masseter muscle thickness and tooth loss or limb muscle thickness. However, it is not yet known whether masseter muscle thickness is related to appendicula...

    Authors: Kohei Yamaguchi, Haruka Tohara, Koji Hara, Ayako Nakane, Eriko Kajisa, Kanako Yoshimi and Shunsuke Minakuchi
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:67
  25. Frailty is a multidimensional clinical geriatric syndrome that may be reversed in its early stages. Most studies have paid attention to its physical or phenotypic boundaries, however, little is known about the...

    Authors: Carmen de Labra, Ana Maseda, Laura Lorenzo-López, Rocío López-López, Ana Buján, José L. Rodríguez-Villamil and José Carlos Millán-Calenti
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:66
  26. Patients with hip fracture frequently have sarcopenia and are at great risk of loss of mobility. We have investigated if sarcopenia predicts change in mobility after hip fracture.

    Authors: Ole Martin Steihaug, Clara Gram Gjesdal, Bård Bogen, Målfrid Holen Kristoffersen, Gunhild Lien, Karl Ove Hufthammer and Anette Hylen Ranhoff
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:65
  27. People with dementia may receive physiotherapy for a variety of reasons. This may be for musculoskeletal conditions or as a result of falls, fractures or mobility difficulties. While previous studies have soug...

    Authors: Abigail J. Hall, Lisa Burrows, Iain A. Lang, Ruth Endacott and Victoria A. Goodwin
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:63
  28. Older people in care may be lonely with insufficient contact if families are unable to visit. Face-to-face contact through video-calls may help reduce loneliness, but little is known about the processes of eng...

    Authors: Sonam Zamir, Catherine Hagan Hennessy, Adrian H Taylor and Ray B Jones
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:62
  29. Joint contractures in nursing home residents limit the capacity to perform daily activities and restrict social participation. The purpose of this study was to develop a complex intervention to improve partici...

    Authors: Susanne Saal, Gabriele Meyer, Katrin Beutner, Hanna Klingshirn, Ralf Strobl, Eva Grill, Eva Mann, Sascha Köpke, Michel H. C. Bleijlevens, Gabriele Bartoszek, Anna-Janina Stephan, Julian Hirt and Martin Müller
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:61
  30. Psychotropic medications have been associated with many adverse outcomes in older people living in residential care. Home-like models of residential care may be preferable to traditional models of care and we ...

    Authors: Stephanie L. Harrison, Clare Bradley, Rachel Milte, Enwu Liu, Lisa Kouladjian O’Donnell, Sarah N. Hilmer and Maria Crotty
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:60
  31. Falls are common during hospital admissions and may occur more frequently in patients who are taking antihypertensive medications, particularly in the context of normal to low blood pressure. The review and ad...

    Authors: H. M. R. B. Omer, J. Hodson, S. K. Pontefract and U. Martin
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:58
  32. Given the high costs associated with the care of those with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) dementia, we examined the likely impact of a reduction in the rate of cognitive decline upon cost outcomes associated with t...

    Authors: Alan Lenox-Smith, Catherine Reed, Jeremie Lebrec, Mark Belger and Roy W. Jones
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:57
  33. Numerous studies have reported weak or moderate correlations between self-reported and accelerometer-assessed physical activity. One explanation is that self-reported physical activity might be biased by demog...

    Authors: Florian Herbolsheimer, Matthias W. Riepe and Richard Peter
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:56
  34. Pressure ulcers/injuries (PrUs), a critical concern for nursing homes (NH), are responsible for chronic wounds, amputations, septic infections, and premature deaths. PrUs occur most commonly in older adults an...

    Authors: Tracey L. Yap, Susan M. Kennerly, Susan D. Horn, Nancy Bergstrom, Santanu Datta and Cathleen Colon-Emeric
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:54
  35. Hospitalized older patients spend most of their time in bed, putting them at risk of experiencing orthostatic intolerance. Returning persons to their usual upright activity level is the most effective way to p...

    Authors: Mary T. Fox, Souraya Sidani, Dina Brooks and Hugh McCague
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:53
  36. The aim of the present paper is to assess the gait pattern of patients with Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). A more specific aim is to compare the gait pattern of PAD patients before and after the appearance o...

    Authors: Maria Szymczak, Paweł Krupa, Grzegorz Oszkinis and Marian Majchrzycki
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:52
  37. Driving a car is the most common form of transport among the older population. Common medical conditions such as cataract, increase with age and impact on the ability to drive. To compensate for visual decline...

    Authors: Seraina Agramunt, Lynn B. Meuleners, Michelle L. Fraser, Kyle C. Chow, Jonathon Q. Ng and Vignesh Raja
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:51
  38. Elderly persons with a dementia diagnosis often suffer from different neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) such as delusions, hallucinations, depression, anxiety, irritability and agitation. Currently, the medical ...

    Authors: Iris Zahirovic, Gustav Torisson, Carina Wattmo and Elisabet Londos
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:50
  39. This study introduces the conceptual basis and operational measure, of BioPyschoSocial (BPS) health and related risk to better understand how well older people are managing and to screen for risk status. The BPS ...

    Authors: Zoe J.-L. Hildon, Chuen Seng Tan, Farah Shiraz, Wai Chong Ng, Xiaodong Deng, Gerald Choon Huat Koh, Kelvin Bryan Tan, Ian Philp, Dick Wiggins, Su Aw, Treena Wu and Hubertus J. M. Vrijhoef
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:49
  40. It has been suggested that tooth loss in later life might increase dementia incidence. The objective of this analysis is to systematically review the current evidence on the relationship between the number of ...

    Authors: Bumjo Oh, Dong-Hun Han, Kyu-Tae Han, Xibei Liu, Johnson Ukken, Carina Chang, Kiki Dounis and Ji Won Yoo
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:48
  41. Advance care planning (ACP) has been identified as particularly relevant for nursing home residents, but it remains unclear how or under what circumstances ACP works and can best be implemented in such setting...

    Authors: J. Gilissen, L. Pivodic, C. Gastmans, R. Vander Stichele, L. Deliens, E. Breuer and L. Van den Block
    Citation: BMC Geriatrics 2018 18:47

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