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Table 3 Barriers and facilitators for homecare workers´ ability to contribute to the prevention of ED visits among home-dwelling older individuals

From: Homecare workers - an untapped resource in preventing emergency department visits among older individuals? A qualitative interview study from Sweden





1. Organisational

Accessibility to staff in primary care

Absence of healthcare professional for information transfer or consultation

Collaboration and exchange of competence between homecare services and primary care

- Give nurse assistants in homecare more responsibility

- In-house nurse

- Medical advice during non-office hours

- Increased preventive home healthcare


Information transfer between emergency departments and homecare services

Homecare workers do not receive discharge information from emergency departments

Discharge from hospitals in collaboration with homecare and with prompt follow up from primary care

2. Perceived attitudes

Healthcare professionals´ attitudes towards competence and professionalism among homecare workers

Primary care neither demands nor trusts the competence of homecare workers

Increased competence with training and support from primary care

3. Client-related

Feelings of insecurity and anxiety among homecare clients

Emergency department visits not always initiated for medical reasons

Flexible working conditions to enable homecare workers ensure a safe home situation