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Table 1 Primary, secondary, and tertiary outcomes

From: Extended use of point-of-care technology versus usual care for in-home assessment by acute community nurses in older adults with signs of potential acute respiratory disease: an open-label randomised controlled trial protocol



Outcome measure

Primary outcome

 Outcome 1

Hospital admissions ≤ 30 days

Proportion of hospital admissions within 30 days follow-up (Day 0a to Day 30)

Secondary outcomes

 Outcome 2

Hospital admissions at Day 0a

Proportion of hospital admission at Day 0a

 Outcome 3

Readmission ≤ 30 days

Proportion of readmissions within 30 days follow-up (Day 1 to Day 30)

 Outcome 4

Mortality ≤ 30 days

Number of deaths within 30 days follow-up (Day 0a to Day 30)

 Outcome 5

Length of hospital admission

Number of days admitted

 Outcome 6

Hospital-free days ≤ 30 days

Number of days alive that is spend outside of an acute-care hospital, long-term acute-care hospital or in an emergency department. Days spent wholly or in part under “observation” status counts as hospital days [44]

 Outcome 7

Complications during hospital admission

Number of complications during admission, registered in the electronic patient journal

 Outcome 8

Treatment initiations or changes at Day 0a

Number of treatment initiations or changes at Day 0a

 Outcome 9

Treatment initiation or changes ≤ 30 day

Number of treatment initiations or changes within 30 days follow-up (Day 1 to Day 30)

 Outcome 10

Functional level

Proxy assessment of functional level:

- Change in amount of home care within 30 days follow-up

- Number of changes of dwelling

 Outcome 11

Re-referrals to the ACHCS

Number of re-referrals to the ACHCS

 Outcome 12

Contact to the PCP ≤ 30 days

Number of contacts to the PCP within 30 days follow-up (Day 0a to Day 30)

Tertiary outcomes

 Outcome 14

ACNs diagnostic accuracy for conducting FLUS compared with a FLUS-specialist

ACNs conclusions are index test and FLUS-specialist conclusions used as reference test

  1. ACNs Acute community Nurses, ACHCS Acute Community Health Care Service, FLUS Focused Lung Ultrasound, PCP Primary Care Physician
  2. aDay 0: Defined by Day of inclusion