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Table 2 Overview of the synthesis of translation and themes

From: Older adults’ perceptions and experiences of interprofessional communication as part of the delivery of integrated care in the primary healthcare sector: a meta-ethnography of qualitative studies

Third order constructs / Main themes

Descriptors (groups of similar concepts developed from first and second order data, clustered together)

Articles contributing to first and/or second-order data

Inconsistent care perceived as lack of IPC

Health professionals’ concordance

The importance of a red thread

Communication and Quality of care

[20, 21, 30,31,32,33, 37]

Individual preferences regarding involvement and awareness

Different reactions to IPC

IPC and exclusion of older adults

[22, 31, 33,34,35,36,37]

Lack of IPC may trigger negative feelings

Repeating history and frustrations

Inadequate IPC resulting in feelings of insecurity

[20, 21, 31,32,33,34, 37]