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Table 3 Summary of main themes

From: Barriers and facilitators to smartwatch-based prehabilitation participation among frail surgery patients: a qualitative study

Right Information

Participants identified the right information as the beneficial impact prehab can have on their recovery, quality of life, and overall health.

Right Person

Participants identified the clinician as the right person to discuss and prescribe prehab.

Right Time

Participants identified early visits (initial visit or subsequent visits to discuss treatment options) as the best time to learn about how to prepare for surgery and the effects of prehab.

Right Channel

Participants identified several channels to promote prehab engagement; 1.) prehab prescriptions, 2.) handouts with person-specific recommendations, and 3.) the Apple Watch as a motivational tool for exercise.

Right Format

Participants identified a preprogrammed and set-up smartwatch as the proper format for smartwatches to help mitigate the technology barrier for less technologically savvy adults.