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Table 1 Framework guiding interview questions

From: Barriers and facilitators to smartwatch-based prehabilitation participation among frail surgery patients: a qualitative study

Right Information

What do patients need to know about the impact of frailty on surgery outcomes and value of prehab? What “messages” would engage and motivate patients to participate in prehab?

Right Person

Who do patients need support from to engage in prehab? Who do patients expect/want to engage/motivate them about prehab?

Right Time

When should a provider “bring up” information on preparing for surgery and participating in prehab?

Right Channel

What “channels” or tools (e.g., paper hand-out, device, in-person with clinician) do patients want/need to be informed of prehab benefits and tasks? What channels do patients want/need to help stay engaged in prehab and the BeFitMe prehab program.

Right Format

What formats (e.g. layout, font, colors, set up) are preferred/needed by patients to facilitate engagement in the BeFitMe prehab program?