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Table 4 Logistic regression with good general health as dependent variable, with independent variables access to green space, physical activity, and low mental distress n = 2068§

From: The association of access to green space with low mental distress and general health in older adults: a cross-sectional study

Predictor variable

Model 0

Model 1

Model 2

Model 3

Access to green space

8.20** [5.88-11.49]

7.91** [5.63-11.13]

3.51** [2.41-5.11]

3.43** [2.34-5.03]

Physical activity

3.53** [2.63-4.52]

3.27** [2.55-4.20]

2.53** [1.91-3.37]

2.47** [1.90-3.38]

Low mental distress

8.55** [5.75-12.66]

7.87** [5.08-12.20]


5.29** [3.23-8.62]

  1. § Odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals in brackets
  2. ** p<0.01, * p<0.05
  3. Model 0: Unadjusted univariate OR
  4. Model 1: Model 0, adjusted for sex, age, and education
  5. Model 2: Multivariate model including all confounders and excluding low mental distress
  6. Model 3: Multivariate model including all confounders and including low mental distress