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Table 1 The Emergency Department Frailty Scale (ED-FraS)

From: A novel scale for triage assessment of frailty in the emergency department (ED-FraS): a prospective videotaped study




Level 1



Individuals exhibiting positive well-being and agility, with no apparent constraints on their range of motion

Level 2


Chronic Conditions

Individuals with well-managed chronic conditions (e.g., diabetes mellitus or hypertension) may exhibit slightly reduced mobility, yet no significant limitations in their range of motion are observed

Level 3


Mildly Frail

Individuals with noticeably sluggish or limited body movement may require assistive devices but not the help of others. They are able to walk independently, occasionally needing a hand-held walker for support. Their cognitive function and reaction times may be observed as delayed at times

Level 4


Moderately Frail

Individuals requiring assistance for mobility and unable to walk independently. They are characterized by delayed cognitive function and reaction times, which may be inefficient and time-consuming, yet they remain capable of communication. This category typically includes those who need a wheelchair for transfers (e.g., entering the emergency department), and/or require a dedicated caregiver for mobility assistance

Level 5


Severely Frail

Individuals who are completely dependent on others for mobility (e.g., bedridden) or unable to communicate due to cognitive impairment

  1. When evaluating a patient with varying degrees of impairment across different dimensions (e.g., mobility and cognition dimensions), the assessment should be based on the most severe aspect of the patient's condition