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Table 4 Benefits of smart home health technologies in the care of older persons

From: Benefits and barriers associated with the use of smart home health technologies in the care of older persons: a systematic review

Main Benefits of Technologies

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Continuous monitoring of the older person


a) Detection of abnormal postures, falls

b) Provide information to allow better caregiving

c) Detect declines in functioning

d) Ensure safety

e) Provide assurance

Social interactions of older persons


a) Promote relationships between caregivers and older persons

b) Facilitate communication with others

c) Improve mental state and emotions

d) Engage and form social bonds

Promotes independence or independent living for older persons


a) Supports basic activities for daily living

b) Reduce reliance on children

c) Understand habits, personal routines and provides a sense of security

Reminds older persons to self-care and self-management


a) Medication management

b) Knowledge of own health conditions and medical information

c) Promotion of a healthier lifestyle

d) Memory aids

Other opportunities and benefits


a) Reduce caregiving burden

b) Improve well-being

c) Support caregivers and healthcare systems

d) Entertainment purposes