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Table 1 Key search terms and search strategy*

From: Benefits and barriers associated with the use of smart home health technologies in the care of older persons: a systematic review


Search term


Population 1

Older adults

“older adult*” OR “ag*ng” OR “elder*” OR “senior*” OR “geriatr*” OR “gerontolo*” OR “aged person” OR “older person*” OR “elderly people” OR “older parent*”

Population 2


“caregiv*” OR “informal caregiv*” OR “unpaid caregiv*” OR “famil* caregiv*” OR “care*” OR “formal caregiv*” OR “professional caregiv*” OR “nurse*” OR “nurse-aid*” OR “physician*” OR “doctor*” OR “spouse*” OR “adult child*” OR “daughter*” OR “wife” OR “husband” OR “son” OR “relative”


Smart home technology terminologies

“smart house” OR “welfare technology” OR “smart home” OR “smart technolog*” OR “smart living” OR

“home automation” OR “wireless home automation system*” OR “intelligent living” OR “intelligent building” OR

“domotic*” OR “assistive domotic*” OR

“embedded health system*” OR “ehealth” OR “health monitoring” OR “home-based health technology” OR

“gerontechnology” OR “gerotechnology” OR

“sensors” OR “wearable*” OR “Robotic” OR “Artificial Intelligence in Eldercare” OR “Digital monitor*” OR

“smart technologies to support healthy aging” OR “information technolog* for assisted living at home” OR “home-based assistive technolog*” OR “Ambient Assistive Living” OR

“Intelligent Assistive Technolog*” OR “Intelligent Assistive Device*” OR “Intelligent Assistive Application”


Home “home” setting as the individual’s place of residence

“Home care” or “Nursing Home*” or “Independent Living” OR “Home*” OR “house*” OR “homes for the aged” OR “assisted living facilit*” OR “retirement home*”

  1. * The search terms have been adapted to the relevant database standards. Within PPIC synonyms are linked by Boolean ORs, between PPIC are linked with AND. Other sources: Citation tracking, reading references