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Table 2 Clinical and related information of the study participants

From: The association between healthcare expenditures and potentially inappropriate medication use in hospitalized older adults in Ethiopia

Clinical and related information

Frequency (%)

Patients with a previous medical history

97 (64.2)

Hospitalization in the previous one-year


101 (66.9)


46 (30.5)


4 (2.7)

Psychological condition on admission

 Severe dementia or depression

28 (18.5)

 Mild dementia

90 (59.6)

 No psychological problems

33 (21.9)

Currently diagnosed diseases according to ICD-11 classification

 Certain infectious or parasitic diseases

19 (12.6)


3 (2.0)

 Diseases of the immune system

4 (2.7)

 Endocrine, nutritional or metabolic diseases

35 (23.2)

 Mental, behavioural or neurodevelopmental disorders

118 (78.2)

 Diseases of the nervous system

20 (13.25)

 Diseases of the circulatory system

105 (69.5)

 Diseases of the respiratory system

68 (45.0)

 Diseases of the digestive system

12 (8.0)

 Diseases of the skin

1 (0.7)

 Diseases of the blood or blood-forming organs

30 (19.9)

 Diseases of the genitourinary system

34 (22.5)

 Symptoms, signs, or clinical findings, not elsewhere classified

12 (8.0)

Number of diseases diagnosed, Median (IQ)

3 (3, 3)

 Minimum, Maximum per patient

1, 8

Charlson comorbidity index, Median (IQ) score

4 (3, 5)

Comorbidity severity grades based on CCI score


11 (10.5)


40 (38.1)


54 (51.4)

Length of hospital stay (in days), Median (IQ)

10 (6, 15)

Patients who took medication in the past 03 months

71 (47.0)

In-hospital medications

 ATC code

Medications category according to ATC



Alimentary tract and metabolism

85 (56.3)


Blood and blood-forming organs

92 (60.9)


Cardiovascular system

113 (74.8)


Systemic hormonal preparations

31 (20.5)


Anti-infective for systemic use

104 (68.9)


Musculoskeletal system

2 (1.3)


Nervous system

39 (25.8)


Antiparasitic products, insecticides, and repellents

1 (0.7)


Respiratory system

28 (18.5)


Various agents

3 (2.0)

In hospital medications

6 (4, 7)

Patients with polypharmacy (≥ 5 medications per patient)

38 (28.2)

  1. Abbreviations: ATC Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical, CCI Charlson comorbidity index, ICD-11 International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision, IQ Interquartile