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Table 1 General characteristics of patients at admission

From: Relationship between motor dysfunction, the respiratory muscles and pulmonary function in stroke patients with hemiplegia: a retrospective study


Value at T0

General, n (%)


100 (74.6)


34 (25.3)

Age, years (Mean ± SD)

66.7 ± 10.1

Post-stroke duration, days (Mean ± SD)

42.3 ± 34.8

Type, n (%)


114 (85.1)


20 (14.9)

Hemiplegic side, n (%)


57 (42.5)


77 (57.5)

TIS (Points, Mean ± SD)

12.0 ± 4.3

BBS (Points, Mean ± SD)

19.9 ± 16.4

BI (Points, Mean ± SD)

47.5 ± 15.5

MIP (%, Mean ± SD)

36.7 ± 18.8

MEP (%, Mean ± SD)

38.7 ± 22.5

FVC (%, Mean ± SD)

72.9 ± 24.9

FEV1 (%, Mean ± SD)

70.2 ± 27.2

PEF (%, Mean ± SD)

38.3 ± 23.8

MMEF (%, Mean ± SD)

57.7 ± 31.8

  1. T0 The time of admission, TIS Trunk Impairment Scale, BBS Berg balance scale, BI Barthel index, MIP Maximal inspiratory pressure, MEP Maximal expiratory pressure, FVC Force vital capacity, FEV1 Forced expiratory volume in one second, PEF Peak expiratory flow, MMEF Maximal mid expiratory flow