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Table 1 The characteristics of the included participant at their age 65, stratified by the mean BMI between ages 50 and 65

From: Association between BMI trajectories in late-middle age and subsequent dementia risk in older age: a 26-year population-based cohort study






(N = 3203)

(N = 4436)

(N = 3208)

(N = 10847)

BMI trend at age 50–65


1685 (52.6%)

1625 (36.6%)

844 (26.3%)

4154 (38.3%)


1518 (47.4%)

2811 (63.4%)

2364 (73.7%)

6693 (61.7%)

BMI variation at age 50–65

 Mean (SD)

0.0413 (0.0304)

0.0472 (0.0343)

0.0587 (0.0424)

0.0489 (0.0365)

 Median [Min, Max]

0.0349 [0, 0.505]

0.0392 [0, 0.435]

0.0504 [0, 0.806]

0.0409 [0, 0.806]



2078 (64.9%)

2296 (51.8%)

1961 (61.1%)

6335 (58.4%)


1125 (35.1%)

2140 (48.2%)

1247 (38.9%)

4512 (41.6%)


 Black/African American

325 (10.1%)

688 (15.5%)

739 (23.0%)

1752 (16.2%)


2739 (85.5%)

3520 (79.4%)

2310 (72.0%)

8569 (79.0%)


138 (4.3%)

224 (5.0%)

157 (4.9%)

519 (4.8%)


1 (0.0%)

4 (0.1%)

2 (0.1%)

7 (0.1%)

Levels of education


1591 (49.7%)

1969 (44.4%)

1291 (40.2%)

4851 (44.7%)


1606 (50.1%)

2464 (55.5%)

1910 (59.5%)

5980 (55.1%)


6 (0.2%)

3 (0.1%)

7 (0.2%)

16 (0.1%)

Marital status


109 (3.4%)

124 (2.8%)

120 (3.7%)

353 (3.3%)


2276 (71.1%)

3298 (74.3%)

2173 (67.7%)

7747 (71.4%)


488 (15.2%)

585 (13.2%)

482 (15.0%)

1555 (14.3%)


329 (10.3%)

424 (9.6%)

428 (13.3%)

1181 (10.9%)


1 (0.0%)

5 (0.1%)

5 (0.2%)

11 (0.1%)

Year at aged 65


1226 (38.3%)

1605 (36.2%)

909 (28.3%)

3740 (34.5%)


1462 (45.6%)

2013 (45.4%)

1495 (46.6%)

4970 (45.8%)


515 (16.1%)

818 (18.4%)

804 (25.1%)

2137 (19.7%)

Ever drinking alcohol


1327 (41.4%)

2005 (45.2%)

1787 (55.7%)

5119 (47.2%)


1876 (58.6%)

2430 (54.8%)

1421 (44.3%)

5727 (52.8%)


0 (0%)

1 (0.0%)

0 (0%)

1 (0.0%)

Smoking status


717 (22.4%)

717 (16.2%)

347 (10.8%)

1781 (16.4%)


1209 (37.7%)

1996 (45.0%)

1441 (44.9%)

4646 (42.8%)


1268 (39.6%)

1704 (38.4%)

1408 (43.9%)

4380 (40.4%)


9 (0.3%)

19 (0.4%)

12 (0.4%)

40 (0.4%)

Longstanding illness status


917 (28.6%)

835 (18.8%)

279 (8.7%)

2031 (18.7%)


2284 (71.3%)

3600 (81.2%)

2928 (91.3%)

8812 (81.2%)


2 (0.1%)

1 (0.0%)

1 (0.0%)

4 (0.0%)

  1. BMI Body mass index