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Table 2 The prevalence of chronic diseases in each organ system(N = 339)

From: Psychological resilience and quality of life among middle-aged and older adults hospitalized with chronic diseases: multiple mediating effects through sleep quality and depression

Disease Distribution

Yes, N (%)

1. Heart

98 (29.0%)

2. Blood vessels

149 (44.0%)

3. Hematopoietic system (bone marrow)

40 (11.8%)

4. Respiratory

88 (26.0%)

5. Eye, ear, nose, and throat

36 (10.9%)

6. Upper gastrointestinal tract

50 (14.7%)

7. Lower gastrointestinal tract


8. Liver

107 (31.6%)

9. Kidney

51 (15.0%)

10. Urogenital

50 (14.7%)

11. Motor system

95 (28.0%)

12. Nervous system

89 (26.3%)

13. Endocrine/Metabolic and Breast Cancer

102 (30.1%)