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Table 2 Differences in SPPB score by group between each time of measurement, Md (IQR)/Friedman

From: The impact of elective total hip and knee arthroplasty on physical performance in orthogeriatric patients: a prospective intervention study



Post-op d3

Post-op d7

Post-op 4–6 wk

Post-op 3 mo


SPPB total

7 (5–9)

4 (3–6)

7 (5–8)

8 (6–10)

9 (7–11)

< 0.001

SPPB hip

7 (4–9)

5 (3–6)

7 (5–9)

9 (6–10)

9 (7–11)

< 0.001

SPPB knee

8 (6–9)

4 (2–6)

6 (5–8)

8 (6–9)

9 (6–11)

< 0.001

  1. Md, Median; IQR, Interquartile Range; SPPB, Short Physical Performance Battery; p, p-value of the Friedman test; d, day; wk, week; mo, months