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Table 2 Descriptive characteristics of included participants

From: Prescribing differences among older adults with differing health cover and socioeconomic status: a cohort study


Total (n = 42,456)

GMS (n = 26,490)

Non-GMS (n = 15,966)

Age (years), mean (SD) [95%CI]

79.0 (8.3)


78.9 (8.1)


79.4 (9.2)


Age group, n (%, 95% CI))


 65–69 years

7,965 (18.8%, 18.4–19.1%)

3,591 (13.3%, 12.9–13.7%)

4,374 (27.4%, 26.7–28.1%)

 70–74 years

9,070 (21.4%, 21.0-21.8%)

5,232 (19.4%, 19.0-19.9%)

3,838 (24.0%, 23.4–24.7%)

 75–80 years

7,729 (18.2%, 17.8–18.6%)

5,328 (19.7%, 19.3–20.3%)

2,401 (15.0%, 14.5–15.6%)

 80–84 years

6,919 (16.3%, 15.9–16.7%)

5,057 (18.8%, 18.3–19.2%)

1,862 (11.7%, 11.2–12.2%)

 85–89 years

5,480 (12.9%, 12.6–13.2%)

3,916 (14.5%, 14.1–15.0%)

1,564 (9.8%, 9.3–10.3%)

 90 + years

5,294 (12.5%, 12.2–12.8%)

3,366 (12.5%, 12.1–12.9%)

1,928 (12.1, 11.6–12.6%)

Female, n (%, 95% CI)

23,761 (56.0%, 55.5–56.4%)

15,353 (57.0%, 56.4–57.6%)

8,408 (52.7%, 51.9–53.4%)

Male, n (%, 95% CI)

18,695 (44.0%, 43.6–44.5%)

11,587 (43.0%, 42.4–43.6%)

7,558 (47.3%, 46.6–48.1%)

Health cover, n (%, 95% CI)


General Medical Services scheme

26,490 (62.4%, 61.9–62.9%)

26,490 (100.0%)


Doctor Visit Card

4,743 (11.2%, 10.9–11.5%)


4,743 (29.7%, 29.0-30.4%)


11,223 (26.4%, 26.0-26.9%)


11,223 (70.3%, 69.6, 71.0%)