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Table 1 Patient characteristics

From: Age-dependent gender differences in the diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis during hospitalization in patients with fragility fractures


All patients



Total number, n (%)

31,265 (100)

20,983 (67.11)

10,282 (32.89)

Basic information

Age (years), mean (SD)

69.73 (11.45)

70.88 (10.91)

67.38 (12.13)

Postmenopause, n (%)

18,905 (60.47)

18,905 (90.10)


Height (cm), mean (SD)

163.42 (7.61)

160.05 (6.18)

170.42 (5.11)

Weight (kg), mean (SD)

59.92 (11.37)

57.21 (9.97)

66.11 (11.94)

BMI (kg/m2), mean (SD)

22.25 (3.93)

22.15 (3.91)

22.47 (3.96)

Previous history

Smoking history, n (%)

1871 (5.98)

89 (0.42)

1782 (17.33)

Drinking history, n (%)

955 (3.05)

46 (0.22)

909 (8.84)

Diabetes, n (%)

4646 (14.86)

3257 (15.52)

1389 (13.51)

Tumor history, n (%)

1078 (3.45)

693 (3.30)

385 (3.74)

COPD history, n (%)

344 (1.10)

150 (0.71)

194 (1.89)

Fracture site

Spine, n (%)

15,237 (48.74)

10,296 (49.07)

4941 (48.05)

Hip, n (%)

10,596 (33.89)

6751 (32.17)

3845 (37.40)

Forearm, n (%)

2916 (9.33)

2091 (9.97)

825 (8.02)

Proximal humerus, n (%)

1632 (5.22)

1207 (5.75)

425 (4.13)

Other fractures, n (%)

884 (2.83)

638 (3.04)

246 (2.39)

  1. BMI Body Mass Index, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease