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Table 3 Multinomial Logistic regression of active and productive ageing by background characteristics

From: Active and productive ageing in India: evidence from the time use pattern of ageing adults


Active ageing (CI)

Productive ageing (CI)

Experience of previous day (Ref: Normal)

 Unusually stressful

0.05 (-0.27–0.36)

0.01 (-0.43–0.46)

 Unusually good days

-0.15 (-0.45–0.16)

-0.69* (-1.21 - -0.17)

Type of last day (Ref: Weekday)




-0.23$ (-0.46 - -0.01)


-0.26* (-0.42 - -0.10)

-0.49* (-0.74 - -0.24)

Sleep quality of last day (Ref: Good)


-0.21* (-0.33 - -0.08)

-0.18# (-0.37–0.00)

Was yesterday painful (Ref: No)


-0.11 (-0.35–0.13)

-0.16 (-0.53–0.20)

Self-rated health (SRH) (Ref: Good)


-0.26* (-0.42 - -0.09)

-0.17 (-0.42–0.08)

Activities of Daily Living (ADL) (Ref: High)


-0.19$ (-0.37 - -0.02)

-0.28# (-0.57–0.01)

Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) (Ref: High)


-0.13# (-0.26–0.00)

-0.16 (-0.36–0.04)

Morbidity (Ref: None)

 One disease

-0.01 (-0.14–0.12)

-0.16# (-0.34–0.03)


-0.17$ (-0.33 - -0.01)

-0.43* (-0.67 - -0.20)

Age category (Ref: 45–59 years)

 60–69 years

-0.26* (-0.39 - -0.14)

-0.93* (-1.12 - -0.75)

 70 years and above

-0.76* (-0.94 - -0.59)

-2.22* (-2.58 - -1.87)

Gender (Ref: Female)


-0.05 (-0.19–0.08)

1.05* (0.86–1.25)

Education (Ref: No schooling)

 Up to 5 years

-0.18$ (-0.33 - -0.03)

-0.13 (-0.35–0.09)

 6–10 years

-0.14# (-0.29–0.01)

-0.17 (-0.37–0.04)

 More than 10 years

-0.05 (-0.26–0.16)

-0.02 (-0.29–0.26)

Social class (Ref: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

 Scheduled Castes (SC)

-0.21$ (-0.40 - -0.02)

0.56* (0.29–0.83)

 Other Backward Class (OBC)

0.17$ (0.02–0.33)

0.54* (0.30–0.78)


-0.06 (-0.24–0.11)

0.26# (-0.01–0.53)

Household economic background (Ref: Poorest)


0.03 (-0.14–0.19)

0.08 (-0.16–0.33)


-0.03 (-0.20–0.14)

0.34* (0.11–0.58)


-0.02 (-0.19–0.15)

0.13 (-0.11–0.38)


-0.13 (-0.31–0.05)

0.02 (-0.24–0.28)

Living arrangement (Ref: Alone)

 With spouse and others

-0.05 (-0.55–0.45)

-0.93* (-1.54 - -0.32)

 With others

0.01 (-0.34–0.36)

-0.83* -1.26 - -0.41)

Marital Status (Ref: In a union)

 Not in a union

-0.33 (-0.73–0.08)

0.10 (-0.43–0.62)

Residence type (Ref: Urban)


0.44* (0.31–0.57)

-0.32* (-0.49 - -0.14)

Ever consume alcohol (Ref: No)


0.03 (-0.13–0.18)

-0.09 (-0.29–0.11)

Ever smoke (Ref: No)


0.13$ (0.01–0.26)

0.14 (-0.04–0.31)

Physical activity engagement (Ref: None)


0.83* (0.72–0.94)

0.82* (0.66–0.98)

Depression (Ref: No)


0.10 (-0.03–0.23)

0.15 (-0.03–0.33)


-0.82* (-1.37 - -0.28)

-1.15* (-1.85 - -0.46)




  1. CI: Confidence Interval in parentheses: * p < 0.01, $ p < 0.05, # p < 0.1