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Table 4 Secondary outcome measurements (N = 21)

From: Effect of 4-weeks exercise program using wearable hip-assist robot (EX1) in older adults: one group pre- and post- test




Functional evaluation

 TUG TD (sec)*

8.19 (1.23)

7.65 (1.25)

 SiTS Trunk E R (˚)

31.59 (7.45)

28.73 (6.07)

 STS Trunk F R (˚)

31.78 (9.72)

32.66 (14.13)

 OLST TD (sec)

19.89 (19.2)

23.06 (18.96)

Muscle power

 RA (during stance phase) (µV)

10.24 (12.15)

11.63 (9.25)

 BF (during swing phase) (µV)

38.04 (27.38)

41.55 (17)

 RA contraction ratio (%)

206 (59)

217 (46)

 Quadriceps thickness (mm)

16.07 (3.56)

18.13 (3.81)

Waist-Hip Ratio

 WHR (%)*

0.86 (0.06)

0.85 (0.07)

  1. Values are presented as mean (SD)
  2. TUG TD Timed up and Go test Time duration, SiTS Trunk E R Sit to Stand Trunk Extension Range, STS Stand to Sit Trunk Flexion Range, OLST TD One Leg Stance Test Time Duration, RA Rectus Abdominus, BF Biceps Femoris, WHR Waist-Hip Ratio
  3. *P < 0.05