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Table 1 Strength exercise composition

From: Effect of 4-weeks exercise program using wearable hip-assist robot (EX1) in older adults: one group pre- and post- test


Exercise name



Strength exercise

Kick back

After maintaining the correct standing posture, hold on to the handrail to prevent falls. After shifting the weight to the left leg, straighten the knee of the right leg and extend the hip joint back. After 12 repetitions of the right leg, do the same with the left leg. Perform a total of 4 sets

4 min

Knee up

After maintaining the correct standing posture, shift the weight to the left side. Bend the right leg 90 degrees so that the knee is higher than the waist. Alternate right and left sides 24 times. A total of 5 sets were conducted

4 min


Spread your feet shoulder-width apart. Distribute the center of gravity evenly on both feet. Push your hips back as if you were sitting in a chair and bend your knees. Do this 10 times for a total of 3 sets

3 min

Reverse lunge

After maintaining the correct standing posture, shift the weight to the left leg. Take a big step with your right leg back. Bend your left leg and lower your right knee until it touches the floor. After performing 10 times with the left leg, do the same with the right leg for a total of 4 sets

4 min