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Table 1 Sociodemographic characteristics of participants and older adults (n = 328)

From: Factors affecting home environmental safety management for fall prevention for older adults in northern Thailand


n (%)


n (%)



Average monthly income (Thai baht)


117 (35.7)


146 (44.5)


211 (64.3)


153 (46.6)

Age (years)



29 (8.9)


39 (11.9)

 (Mean = 6,671.07, S.D.=4,129.48)


64 (18.3)

Time spent caring for older adults (years)


114 (34.8)


233 (38.4)


69 (21.0)


51 (28.4)


46 (14.0)


44 (32.2)

 (Mean = 45.25, S.D. = 13.52)

 (Mean = 10.92, S.D.=10.20)

Marital status

Relationship to older adults


69 (21.0)


233 (71.0)


218 (66.5)


51 (15.6)


41 (12.5)

 Others (sisters/brothers)

44 (13.4)

Education level

Age of older adults (years)


20 (6.2)


123 (37.5)

 Primary school

107 (32.6)


134 (40.9)

 Junior high school

47 (14.3)


71 (21.6)

 High school/equivalent

112 (34.1)

(Mean = 72.32, S.D. =7.87)


16 (4.9)

Chronic health conditions in older adults

 Bachelor’s degree/higher

26 (7.9)


131 (39.9)

Current occupation


197 (60.1)


66 (21.1)

Physical impairments in older adults

 Government officer

10 (3.0)


278 (84.8)


11 (3.4)


50 (15.2)


138 (42.1)

Falls in the past year among older adults


60 (18.3)


270 (82.3)


33 (10.1)


58 (17.7)

 Others (freelance)

10 (3.0)

Dwelling of older adults


 1-floor house

108 (32.9)


 1-floor house with a basement

81 (24.7)


 2-floor house

139 (42.4)