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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the realist review

From: What makes a multidisciplinary medication review and deprescribing intervention for older people work well in primary care? A realist review and synthesis


Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria


Interventions conducted in general practice alone or in combination with community pharmacy or home visits by any HCP

Any other setting eg. secondary care or care homes


Participants aged 65 years and over

Participants aged under 65 years

Participants living in their own home

Participants living in nursing/care homes


Intervention for medication review with a deprescribing element (i.e., the process of tapering /dose reduction, stopping, or switching drugs, with the goal of improving outcomes)

Intervention for medication review without a clear deprescribing element

Intervention includes a multidisciplinary aspect (i.e., a group of professionals from two or more disciplines who work on the same project or issue, independently or in parallel)

Intervention includes professionals from a single discipline (i.e., without a multidisciplinary aspect)


Any process or staff/patient outcome measures based on primary data related to deprescribing

No process or outcome measure reported


Studies published in English

Studies not published in English