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Table 3 Results from sequentially adjusted mediation analysis examining the extent to which public transit use mediates the association between number of public transit stops per square mile within a participant’s census tract and self-reported ever walking for exercise in the last month (n = 4,836)

From: Public transit stop density is associated with walking for exercise among a national sample of older adults



Mean (95% CI)


Mean (95% CI)

Total Effect

Mean (95% CI)

% Total Effect Mediated

Mean (95% CI)

Model 1

0.008 (0.006, 0.011)

0.009 (-0.008, 0.026)

0.017 (0.001, 0.035)

0.466 (0.196, 3.013)

Model 2

0.006 (0.004, 0.009)

0.026 (0.010, 0.042)

0.032 (0.016, 0.049)

0.200 (0.131, 0.406)

Model 3

0.005 (0.004, 0.007)

0.019 (0.001, 0.036)

0.024 (0.125, 0.664)

0.217 (0.127, 0.673)

Model 4

0.004 (0.003, 0.006)

0.014 (-0.003, 0.031)

0.018 (0.001, 0.035)

0.239 (0.107, 1.260)

Model 5

0.005 (0.003, 0.007)

0.016 (-0.001, 0.033)

0.021 (0.004, 0.038)

0.235 (0.128, 0.998)

  1. Abbreviations: CI = confidence interval; ACME = average causal mediation effect; ADE = average direct effect
  2. Model 1: unadjusted. Model 2: adjusted for age, sex, race/ethnicity, marital status, and number of people in social network. Model 3: model 2 + education and homeownership. Model 4: model 3 + vision impairment, hearing impairment, mobility impairment, cognitive impairment, self-care impairment, and communication impairment. Model 5: model 4 + metropolitan status, residential duration, neighborhood physical disorder, and social cohesion