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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: An overview of innovative living arrangements within long-term care and their characteristics: a scoping review

PCC element

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria


Older adults with a complex care need, in need of 24-hour care.

Participants that do not have a complex need, are not in need of 24-hour care, or are young.


Long-term care facilities that offer 24-hour care to older persons with a complex care need. This entails 24-hour care in both psychogeriatric, as well as somatic care needs.

Long-term care facilities that offer long-term care, so care for an extensive period of time, to older persons.

Long-term care facilities that are presented as different/innovative in comparison with traditional 24-hour long-term care.

The facility has to be operational.

Long-term care facilities that do not offer long-term 24-hour care (in psychogeriatric needs and ADL assistance) or care concepts that offer 24-hour care to adults or youth.

Long-term care facilities that provide acute (or secondary acute) care, such as hospitals and revalidation centers.

Traditional long-term care facilities or implemented interventions within existing traditional long-term care facilities.

Long-term care facilities that are not yet operational and present possible frameworks or best practices.


Long-term care facilities for older adults

Short-term care, such a rehabilitation or hospital stay, or long-term care for a group, other than older adults in need of 24-hour care.