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Table 2 Description of Model Components

From: Understanding geriatric models of care for older adults living with HIV: a scoping review and qualitative analysis

Model Component


Model Component 1: Collaboration and Integration

The organization and scheduling of planned care amongst various providers in health and community sectors to ensure effective intervention and care. Care is coordinated across healthcare and community settings

i) Multidisciplinary Care Roles

The involvement of healthcare providers from various disciplines in the delivery of care and the assignment of key roles among team members

ii) Team-Based Care

Providers working collaboratively as a team with defined tasks and responsibilities to provide effective care

iii) Community Linkages

How a model of care connects with community programs and services, and the partnerships formed with community organizations to deliver care and support

Model Component 2: Organization of Geriatric Care

The structures, procedures and policies of the healthcare system in which a geriatric model of care takes place

i) Staffing Models

The organization of healthcare professionals within a model of care

ii) Access and Referrals

How individuals living with HIV can access geriatric and specialized care, and the referral process to be seen by care providers

iii) Implementation of Evidence-Based Screening

The use of validated screening instruments to inform high-quality care

Model Component 3: Support of Holistic Care

How a model of care meets physical, spiritual, mental and social needs

i) Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment

All activities involved in the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment of an older adult, that includes identifying medical, social and functional needs, and the development of an integrated care plan to meet those needs

ii) Supporting Self-Management

Any activities or strategies that help older adults living with HIV manage their own health concerns and be actively involved in their care