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Appendix 1 Toileting Behaviour Evaluation (TBE)

From: Development of toileting behaviour evaluation for Japanese older patients using wheelchairs in a hospital setting: a validation study





Open the door


Close the door


Turn on the light


Manoeuvre the wheelchair to the appropriate place for transfer to the toilet seat


Lock the wheelchair brakes


Take the footrests up


Stand up from the wheelchair


Turn while standing


Maintain a standing position


Pull the lower garments down


Sit on the toilet seat


Maintain a sitting position on the toilet seat


Clean up after urination and/or defecation with toilet paper


Stand up from the toilet seat


Maintain a standing position


Pull the lower garments up


Turn while standing


Sit on the wheelchair seat


Place feet on the footrest


Unlock the wheelchair brakes


Flush the toilet


Open the door and exit the toilet room

  1. Note. 6: Independence 5: Modified Independence 4: Supervision 3: Verbal Assistance 2: Physical Assistance 1: Total Assistance