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Table 4 Commonly reported symptoms, example behavioural observations and quotes

From: “I felt like I had been put on the shelf and forgotten about” – lasting lessons about the impact of COVID-19 on people affected by rarer dementias

Cognitive symptom

Example behavioural observation

Illustrative quote

Disorientation in time

Repeatedly asking what time of day it is

She is now more reliant on dementia clock as she is not always sure, if when her clock says 7.00, if this is morning or evening. Dark or light outside doesn’t act as cue without prompting

Disorientation in space

Not knowing how to get to the bathroom

Spatial awareness has got much much worse. Finds it nearly impossible to pick things up.

Fluctuating awareness

Seeming engaged one moment and disengaged the next

Sometimes my mum can talk and function fine - other days just stares into space and doesn’t engage

Communication difficulties

Inability to hold a conversation

Verbal communication was restricted before lockdown. It is now virtually nonexistent. Has withdrawn more and is less responsive to others.

Impaired executive functioning

Difficulty following instructions to make a cup of tea

Dressing, showering and cutting meat. Opening cans, following verbal instructions without physical cues and gestures from me i.e. wash your tummy, can’t do unless I pat his tummy to show which bit to wash.

Increased difficulty with localizing household objects

Not being able to find a familiar gardening tool

Finding objects is very hard. No idea where things are kept in kitchen.

Increased difficulty with recognizing/utilizing household objects

Not knowing how to use a familiar garden tool when handed it

He no longer recognises everyday tools e.g. garden tools that he would have known how to use before. The language of the word and also the conceptual understanding of everyday objects has deteriorated. He struggles to select knife, fork, spoon etc. by name and no longer recognises shower gel or other toiletries.