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Table 3 Baseline characteristics of the sample of octogenarians by AF status

From: Atrial fibrillation incidence and outcomes in two cohorts of octogenarians: LiLACS NZ


No AF, n = 691 (col %)

Yes AF, n = 186 (col %)


281 (41%)

98 (53%)**


410 (59%)

88 (47%)

Age, mean (SD)

84 (2)

84 (2)



312 (45%)

83 (45%)


379 (55%)

103 (55%)


 - Primary

146 (21%)

43 (24%)

 - Secondary

391 (58%)

106 (58%)

 - Trade or tertiary

139 (21%)

34 (19%)

NZ Dep Index

 - 1 – 4 (low deprivation)

123 (18%)

34 (18%)

 - 5—7

208 (30%)

58 (31%)

 - 8—10

360 (52%)

94 (51%)


 - Never a smoker

339 (50%)

75 (41%)

 - Past (stopped more than 12 mths)

295 (43%)

93 (51%)

 - Current

48 (7%)

15 (8%)


 - Never

167 (33%)

47 (39%)

 - At least monthly

137 (27%)

40 (33%)

 - At least twice a week

208 (41%)

33 (28%)*

Number of co-morbidities, median (IQR)*

5 (3)

6 (3)**



141 (20%)

55 (30%)*


413 (60%)

167 (90%)**


165 (24%)

65 (35%)**


123 (18%)

107 (58%)**


576 (83%)

169 (91%)*

 Thyroid disease

38 (5%)

11 (6%)

 SBP/DBP, mean (SD)

152(23) / 81 ((12)

142 (23) / 80 (14)*

 Fasting glucose (mmol/L), median (IQR)

5.30 (0.90)

5.30 (0.70)

 FT4 (pmol/L), median (IQR)

15.0 (2.6)

15.8 (3.4)*

 TSH (mIU/L), median (IQR)

2.5 (2.1)

3.6 (1.6)

 Total med, median (IQR)*

5 (5)

7 (3)**

 BP lowering medication, n (%)

354 (72%)

106 (89%)**


179 (37%)

50 (42%)

 Māori with medication for AF data#

N = 177

N = 50


84 (48%)

25 (50%)


6 (3%)

21 (42%)


4 (2%)

15 (30%)

 Aspirin + warfarin


4 (8%)

 Warfarin or Aspirin

90 (51%)

42 (84%)

 Non- Māori with medication for AF data##

n = 316

N = 66


144 (46%)

32 (49%)


10 (3%)

33 (50%)


5 (2%)

14 (21%)

 Aspirin + warfarin

1 (0.3%)

4 (6%)

 Warfarin or Aspirin

153 (48%)

61 (92%)

Risk scores

 CHADS2 median (IQR)

2 (2)

3 (1)**

 CHA2DS2-Vas, median (IQR)

4 (1)

6 (3)**

 HAS-BLED, median (IQR)

3 (2)

3 (2)

Yearly bleeding risk, n (%)

 - 0 to 2

259 (37%)

67 (37%)

 -≥ 3 high risk

435 (63%)

116 (63%)

 Falls in the past 12 months

249 (36%)

79 (44%)

 Function, NEALD, median (IQR)

19 (3)

18 (6)*

QoL, median (IQR)

 - Mental health related QoL

57 (10)

56 (11)

 - Physical health related QoL

44 (8)

39 (18)*

 Depressive symptoms, GDS, median (IQR)

2 (2)

2 (3)*

 Cognition, 3MS (adjusted for visual impairment), median (IQR)

93 (10)

92 (10)

  1. AF Atrial fibrillation, 3MS Modified mini mental state examination for cognition, CHF Congestive heart failure, CHADS Risk of stroke score, CHADS2-Vas modified risk of stroke score, CVD Cardiovascular disease, GDS Geriatric depression scale score for depressive symptoms, HAS-BLED Risk of bleeding score, IQR Interquartile range, NEADL Nottingham extended activities of daily living functional status score, QoL Quality of life, SD Standard deviation, TIA Transient ischaemic attack
  2. Notes: 60 participants had no medical records of AF
  3. #152 Māori had no medication details (106 in ‘no AF’ and 46 in ‘yes AF’)
  4. ##116 non-Māori had no medication details (95 in ‘no AF’, 21 in ‘yes AF’)
  5. Higher score = better function
  6. The mean (SD) for GDS for No AF 2.2 (2.0) vs Yes AF 2.8 (2.0). Lower score = less depressive symptoms
  7. *p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 Adjusted for confounder (age) and effect modifier (ethnicity); interaction terms (ethnicity and exposure of interest) had p > 0.05 except for ethnicity*number of prescribed medication (p = 0.049); ethnicity*alcohol (p = 0.046) and ethnicity*DBP (p = 0.030)