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Table 2 Examples of meaning condensation from meaning units to initial themes of meanings units, subthemes, and essential themes

From: Together, at a distance: experiences with a novel technology for social contact among older people and their relatives in Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic


Meaning units (quotes)

Initial themes of meaning units


Essential themes


“We chose to buy KOMP at the beginning of the pandemic when it was very restricted to visit my dad…it was a way to keep in regular contact with him.”

Need for social contact

Differentiating between physical and digital meetings

KOMP as an alternative way to visit

Overcoming social distancing by adopting digital meetings


“It is useful to have KOMP when visits are limited so we can see my mom and talk to her daily.”


“If I had two choices, to visit my mom or to use KOMP, I would visit her in person. But I have only one choice, to use KOMP, during the pandemic; it is good that we have an alternative.”


“KOMP does not substitute for visits; however, it is an alternative way to keep in contact.”


We send photos in the morning, and then we talk in the evening by video. It is pleasant.”

Maintain contact through photos and videos

A pleasant way to communicate

Social contact at a distance by sharing photos and videos

Staying involved in each other’s daily lives


“A nice and wonderful way to get so close to my mom in the pandemic. She enjoys looking at pictures so that she will not forget her beloved family, which is very important.”


“I have KOMP on all day. I like to see the photos of my family rotating all the time and enjoy seeing their birthdays.”


“It is nice to have KOMP to talk with my family and to know how they are doing.”


“KOMP gathers the whole family, both children, and grandchildren.”

Different family members meet in a digital room

KOMP enhances intergenerational connections


“With the camera on, the video chat is more convenient for all the family members, including many siblings dispersed both across Norway and abroad.”


“We sometimes have something to talk about, and sometimes we just sit or eat so mom can see us around the dining table or in different situations.”

Communicating without talking

Embodied video calls

Togetherness in a digital space


“Although my dad does not talk during the call, we can see him smiling, nodding or turning his head toward someone sitting in his room, such as my mom or one of us.”


“My dad likes my mom to remotely join him while he is at home, or eats in the kitchen, and both of them enjoy these moments.”

Conveying a homely atmosphere via KOMP

Sharing moments in favored places


“Through KOMP, I call my grandfather to show him his house or cottage”