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Table 5 Perceived facilitators and barriers of technology for care

From: Stakeholder’s experiences of living and caring in technology-rich supported living environments for tenants living with dementia




Informal caregiver

•‘secure environment’

•‘cost effective care’

•‘greater freedom

•‘improve knowledge’

•‘privacy and independence’

•‘a quick source of getting assistance if they fall

•‘very reassuring’ especially at night

•Mobile phones: ‘keep (family) in continual contact’

•(tenants) ‘may not have understanding why or how to use it e.g. wearable pendant, intercom system technology can go wrong. Needs to be closely monitored

•technology was ‘not much use’

•‘the alarm watches, not sure with dementia you remember or are able to press button depending on how severe dementia is

Formal caregiver

•‘workload more manageable’alerting staff to an incident’

•‘it would be really hard to care without the use of technology’

•••••••‘technology has a big impact as we can speak to tenants in rooms etc. without being their which assists with making sure tenants are safe’

•‘offering more independence and security’


•‘let me know if someone needs help’,

•enhance ‘communication

•provide ‘quicker support’

•‘give the best support for those who need it’

•‘be aware of what is happening in places without being there

•‘take away from basic effective techniques and approaches

•‘lots of calls at the same time’

•‘black areas’ where technology doesn't work in the housing scheme

•‘false alarms or volume of alarms can be distracting

•‘difficult for individuals to remember how to use it