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Table 2 Technology focused topic guide questions

From: Stakeholder’s experiences of living and caring in technology-rich supported living environments for tenants living with dementia

If you need help, how do you get it?

Have you any technology in your home like alarms or intercom speakers?

(If you see any technology in the environment point to it and ask if they use it.)

Does anything help you remember your appointments?

How do you contact your family?

Have you ever used a computer, laptop or tablet?

Have you ever worn a bracelet or necklace that has an alarm in it you can press in an emergency? Have they ever pressed it?

If there is an Intercom: How do you feel about it going off?

Have you ever heard any alarms going off? Do you know what they are for?

These questions were asked as part of a larger interview and therefore not asked in the above sequence