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Table 3 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Assignment

From: Relationships between children-related factors, basic psychological need satisfaction, and multiple happiness among urban empty-nesters in China: a structural equation modeling


Variable name


Dependent variable

Dimensions scores and total score of BPNS

Continuous numeric variable

Dimensions scores of MHQ

Continuous numeric variable

Independent variable


1 = 60 ~ 69, 2 = 70 ~ 79, 3 =  ≥ 80


1 = Male, 0 = Female


1 = Primary school or below, 2 = Junior high school, 3 = Senior high school, 4 = Junior college or above


Marital status

1 = Married, 0 = Other


Living status

1 = Living alone, 0 = Living with spouse



1 = Yes, 0 = No


Pre-retirement occupation

(1, 0, 0) = Civil servants, (0, 1, 0) = Institutional staff, (0, 0, 1) = Corporate staff, (0, 0, 0) = Farmers and other occupations


Main source of income

1 = At least pension, 0 = Other


Monthly personal income (RMB)

1 =  < 1000, 2 = 1000 ~ 2000, 3 = 2000 ~ 4000, 4 =  ≥ 4000


Types of medical insurance

1 = Urban employee medical insurance, 0 = Urban and rural residents' medical insurance


Physical condition

1 = Good, 2 = General, 3 = Poor


Number of chronic diseases

1 = None, 2 = 1 ~ 2, 3 =  ≥ 3



1 = Completely self-care, 0 = Partly self-care


The number of children

1 = one child, 0 =  ≥ 2 children


The distance between parents and children

1 = At least 1 child live in the same city, 0 = Do not live in the same city


Satisfaction with children's marriage

1 = Satisfaction, 2 = General, 3 = Dissatisfaction


Satisfaction with children's employment

1 = Satisfaction, 2 = General, 3 = Dissatisfaction


Satisfaction with children's personal income

1 = Satisfaction, 2 = General, 3 = Dissatisfaction