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Table 3 Prevalence of distance visual impairment based on presenting VA and BCVA

From: An evaluation of a community-based vision care programme for the elderly

Level of distance visual impairment (VI)

Prevalence of distance visual impairment, n (%), N = 8899

VA less than 6/18 in the worse eye

VA less than 6/18 in the better eye

Based on presenting VA

Based on BCVA

Based on presenting VA

Based on BCVA

None (≤ 6/18)

5417 (60.9)

7672 (86.2)

7360 (82.7)

8526 (95.8)

Moderate (> 6/18 and ≤ 6/60)

2937 (33.0)

925 (10.4)

1480 (16.6)

359 (4.0)

Severe (> 6/60 and ≤ 6/120)

329 (3.7)

125 (1.4)

49 (0.6)

11 (0.1)

Blindness (> 6/120)

216 (2.4)

177 (2.0)

10 (0.1)

3 (0.03)

Sub-total of visually impaired

3482 (39.1)

1227 (13.8)

1539 (17.3)

373 (4.2)