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Table 2 Numbers and percentages of hospitals and their characteristics and nursing factors

From: Hospital nursing factors associated with decreased odds of mortality in older adult medicare surgical patients with depression

Hospital Characteristic

n (%)


  ≤ 100 beds

59 (11.1%)

  101–250 beds

230 (43.2%)

  > 250 beds

244 (45.8%)

Teaching Status


276 (51.8%)

  Minor Teaching

214 (40.2%)

  Major Teaching

43 (8.1%)

Technology Status

  High Technology

283 (53.1%)

  Low Technology

250 (46.9%)



218 (40.9%)


261 (48.9%)


43 (8.1%)


8 (1.5%)



49 (9.3%)


375 (71.4%)


101 (19.2%)



193 (36.2%)


138 (25.9%)

  New Jersey

69 (12.9%)


133 (24.9%)

Hospital Nursing Factors, mean (SD)

  PES-NWI, mean (SD)

2.75 (0.20)

  Poor (n = 178)

2.49 (0.11)

  Mixed (n = 178)

2.72 (0.05)

  Best (n = 177)

2.96 (0.12)

  Staffing, mean (SD)

5.4 (1.3)

  Education (% BSN), mean (SD)

39.7 (13.5)

  1. Notes: Practice Environment Scale of the Nurse Work Environment (PES-NWI); PES-NWI excludes Staffing and Resource Adequacy Subscale. Nurse staffing is measured as the ratio of patients to nurses. BSN = Bachelors of Science in Nursing; Education is reported as the proportion of nurses holding a BSN at the hospital level. Location is defined by Core Based Statistics Area (CBSA): Division =  > 2.5 million, Metro = Metropolitan, 50,000–2.5 million; Micro = Micropolitan, 10,000–50,000; Rural =  < 10,000. Percentages rounded and may not total 100%; Number totals may not equal 533 due to missing information from the American Hospital Association (AHA)
  2. Data Source: American Hospital Association (AHA); Multi-State Nursing Care and Patient Safety Study Survey [27]