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Fig. 1 | BMC Geriatrics

Fig. 1

From: Promoting independence in Lewy body dementia through exercise: the PRIDE study

Fig. 1

Significant Baseline Associations between Functional Independence and Clinical Characteristics. Note: A line of best fit was not appropriate, as correlation analysis was performed on ranks (Spearman) not the raw data. Higher scores in the MDS-UPDRS [21], and lower scores on the FIM [25], MMSE [26], PD-CRS [27], SPPB [34], and DEMQoL [35] indicate worse performance on that measure respectively. Rho = Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, CDR = Clinical Dementia Rating [29], DEMQoL – Proxy = Dementia Quality of Life Scale – proxy, [35] SPPB = Short Physical Performance Battery, MDS-UPDRS = Movement Disorder Society Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale, FIM = Functional independence measure, MMSE = Mini-mental state exam, PD-CRS = Parkinson’s disease Cognitive rating scale, kgm.−2 = kilogram/metre squared, m.s = metres per second, m = metre, s = seconds. Total Balance time is the time held in each of 6 positions [18], adding each successful attempts (15 s/position) and the time spent in the last/failed position (≤ 15 s)

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