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Table 2 Type and scope of physiotherapy in Australian RACFs

From: The type and scope of physiotherapy is under-utilised in Australian residential aged care facilities: a national, cross-sectional survey of physiotherapists


n (%)

Most common reason for physiotherapy referral (12.2% missing data)

 Management of chronic pain as per ACFI framework

175 (89.7)

 Management of chronic pain – non-ACFI

10 (5.1)


135 (69.2)

 Reduced mobility

70 (35.9)

 Decline in function/deconditioning

53 (27.2)

 New admission

37 (19.0)

 Post-hospital discharge

7 (3.6)

 Regular/routine review

75 (38.5)


14 (7.2)


5 (2.6)

Source of physiotherapy referral (21.2% missing data)

 General practitioner

114 (65.1)


153 (87.4)


79 (45.1)


79 (45.1)

 Routine for new admission

144 (82.3)

 Routine for scheduled review

129 (73.7)

 Blanket referral for specific incidents/issues

116 (66.3)


 < 5

Physiotherapy role (8.6% missing data)

 ACFI Chronic pain management

193 (93.6)

ACFI Chronic pain management interventions (4.9% missing data)

Massage for complex healthcare procedure 4a

107 (55.4)

Massage for complex healthcare procedure 4b

180 (93.3)

Electrotherapy or other technical equipment for complex healthcare procedure 4b

69 (35.8)

 Non-ACFI Chronic pain management

69 (34.0)

 Falls prevention and treatment

156 (76.8)

Falls prevention and treatment interventions (13.5% missing data)


125 (92.6)


53 (39.3)

Harm and risk minimization

65 (48.1)

Equipment and apparel

51 (37.8)

Personal processes

11 (8.1)

Referral to and collaboration with other health care professionals

11 (8.1)


27 (20.0)

Environmental modifications

22 (16.3)

Other medical and pain management

7 (5.2)

 Mobility and functional maintenance

153 (75.4)

 Rehabilitation/short-term restorative care

85 (41.9)

 Staff training and consultation

123 (60.6)

 Equipment recommendations and provision

5 (2.3)


21 (10.3)

Validated outcome measures utilized (n = 30) (21.2% missing data)

 Pain (n = 5)

162 (92.6)

 Balance and falls risk (n = 6)

121 (69.1)

 Functional (n = 3)

104 (59.4)

 Mobility (n = 6)

62 (35.4)

 Multi-faceted: mobility and balance or function (n = 3)

21 (12.0)

 Functional lower limb strength (n = 2)

74 (42.3)

 Overall health (n = 3)

9 (5.1)

 Otherd (n = 2)

 < 5

Reason older adult excluded from physiotherapy (22.5% missing data)

 None excluded

53 (30.8)

 Maximum ACFI claim reached

71 (41.3)

 Lack of funding

69 (40.1)

 Respite status

62 (36.0)

 Non-compliance of older adult and/or family with physiotherapy

22 (12.8)

 Cognitive impairment

19 (11.0)


10 (5.8)

Duration (minutes) of physiotherapy sessions, mean (SD) (19.8% missing data)

 New admission assessment

35.3 (29.8)

 Discharge session

3.9 (9.8)

 Regular scheduled review

18.5 (15.2)

 Unscheduled review

16.7 (15.9)

 Falls review

18.9 (13.5)

 Resident and family liaising

11.4 (10.9)

  1. ACFI Aged Care Funding Instrument, RACF Residential Aged Care Facility, SD standard deviation
  2. a Other refers to categories with less than 5 counts which include stroke; Parkinson’s disease; oedema; and change in neurological function
  3. b Other refers to categories with less than 5 counts which include appointed external personnel and ACFI coordinator
  4. c Other refers to categories with less than 5 counts which include respiratory physiotherapy; quality improvement projects; resident and family education and training; cardiac physiotherapy; staff management; reviews and case conferences; Work Health and Safety, return-to-work, and manual handling; pressure area care; exercise prescription (individual or group)
  5. d Other refers to categories with less than 5 counts which include nine-hole peg test and Goal Attainment Scale (GAS)
  6. e Other refers to categories with less than 5 counts which include behavioural issues; insufficient number of physiotherapists for caseload; insufficient time for caseload; not indicated