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Table 1 Characteristics of the study sample and group comparison (n = 312)

From: Physical functioning associated with life-space mobility in later life among men and women


Total group




Sex, n (%)


147 (47)





165 (53)




Age, n (%)




107 (34)

51 (35)

56 (34)



94 (30)

55 (37)

39 (23)



67 (22)

26 (18)

41 (25)



44 (14)

15 (10)

29 (18)


Marital status, n (%)


 < 0.0011


164 (53)

114 (78)

50 (30)



119 (38)

22 (15)

97 (59)


 Never married

13 (4)

4 (3)

9 (6)



16 (5)

7 (5)

9 (6)


Type of housing, n (%)


 < 0.0011

 Own house

157 (50)

94 (64)

63 (38)



155 (50)

53 (36)

102 (62)


Type of living area, n (%)



 Living in town > 5000 inhabitants

205 (66)

87 (60)

118 (72)


 Living in village 200–5000 inhabitants

68 (22)

41 (28)

27 (16)


 Living in small village < 200 inhabitants

13 (4)

7 (5)

7 (4)


 Living in the countryside, not in village

25 (8)

12 (8)

13 (8)


Use of assistive devices, n (%)




155 (50)

60 (41)

95 (58)



156 (50)

86 (59)

70 (42)


Driving a car


 < 0.0011


160 (51)

108 (73)

51 (32)



152 (59)

39 (27)

113 (68)


LSA total score (0–120), mean (SD)

64 (23)

72 (21)

58 (23)

 < 0.0012

 Independent life-spacea (0–5), median (Q1-Q3)

4 (2–5)

5 (4–5)

4 (1–5)

 < 0.0012

 Assistive life-spaceb (0–5), median (Q1-Q3)

5 (4–5)

5 (4–5)

4 (3–5)

 < 0.0012

 Maximal life-spacec (0–5), median (Q1-Q3)

5 (5–5)

5 (5–5)

5 (4–5)


SPPB total score (0–12), median (Q1-Q3)

10 (7–11)

10 (8–12)

9 (7–11)


 total balance (0–4), median (Q1-Q3)

4 (3–4)

4 (4–4)

4 (3–4)

 < 0.0012

 gait speed (0–4), median (Q1-Q3)

3 (2–4)

3 (3–4)

3 (2–4)

 < 0.0012

 chair stand (0–4), median (Q1-Q3)

1 (1–1)

1 (1–1)

1 (1–1)


PEF mean (SD)

400 (119)

469 (116)

340 (85)

 < 0.0012

Grip strength mean (SD)

0.55 (0.18)

0.6 (0.15)

0.51 (0.19)

 < 0.0012

Vision (1–5) median (Q1-Q3)

2 (2–3)

2 (2–3)

2 (2–3)


 good/bad n (%)

275 (88)/36 (12)

127 (86)/20 (14)

148 (90)/16 (10)


Hearing (1–5) median (Q1-Q3)

3 (3–4)

3 (3–4)

4 (3–4)


 good/bad, n (%)

271 (87)/40 (13)

119 (81)/28 (19)

152 (92)/12 (8)


Dizziness (1–3) median (Q1-Q3)

1 (1–3)

1 (1–2)

1 (1–3)


 None or mild/substantial, n (%)

217 (70)/95 (30)

98 (67)/49 (33)

119 (72)/46 (28)

  1. 1 χ2 2 Mann–Whitney U-test a highest life-space level obtained without any assistance b highest life-space level reached with help from equipment but not another person c maximal life-space level indicates the greatest distance travelled irrespective of assistance from equipment and/or another person