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Table 5 Differences in impairment among participants by age category compared to participants < 45 years of age, presented as estimate or odds ratio (OR) when indicated with (95% confidence interval) and p-values for each outcome. Estimates that are statistically significant (p < 0.05) are bolded

From: Prospective telehealth analysis of functional performance, frailty, quality of life, and mental health after COVID-19 hospitalization

Outcome; estimate type

Baseline difference

Est [95% CI] P-value

Week 18 difference*

Est [95% CI] P-value

Age category


60 or greater


60 or greater

10-Time Chair Rise Test

 Unable to complete due to physical ability or safety concerns; OR

1.5 [0.3, 11.3]

P = 0.68

3.4 [0.8, 23.7]

P = 0.14


 Time to complete; seconds

−2.3 [−9.5, 4.9]

P = 0.52

−3.3 [−10.4, 3.8]

P = 0.36


 Change in time to complete from week 2/6; seconds


−2.7 [−7.9, 2.6]

P = 0.31

−5.1 [−10.3, 0]

P = 0.05

Clinical Frailty Scale

 Post-hospitalization reported frailty; OR

3.2 [0.7, 18.0]

P = 0.15

2.5 [0.6, 9.9]

P = 0.18


 Did not return to pre-hospitalization frailty; OR


0.3 [0.1, 1.3]

P = 0.11

0.3 [0.8, 1.1]

P = 0.09

MRC Dyspnea Scale

 Too SOB to leave the house and/or SOB while dressing; OR

0.6 [0.2, 2.5]

P = 0.48

2.4 [0.8, 8.5]

P = 0.14


 No improvement from week 2–6 answer; OR


0.7 [0.2, 3.2]

P = 0.65

0.3 [0.1, 1.2]

P = 0.09


 Met criteria for PTSD; OR

1.5 [0.4, 5.8]

P = 0.51

1.6 [0.5, 5.4]

P = 0.43


 Continued or new PTSD; OR


0.3 [0.1, 1.2]

P = 0.10

0.3 [0.1, 1.0]

P = 0.05


 Total score

−1.1 [−7.5, 5.2]

P = 0.72

3.4 [−2.4, 9.2]

P = 0.25


 Difference from week 2–6; score


0.2 [−6.8, 7.1]

P = 0.96

2.3 [−4.2, 8.8]

P = 0.47

Supplemental O2

 Reported use; OR

0.9 [0.3, 2.8]

P = 0.91

1.3 [0.5, 3.7]

P = 0.61


 Continued or new use of supplemental O2; OR


1.7 [0.3, 13.3]

P = 0.58

2.8 [0.6, 20.0]

P = 0.24

Activity Level

 Did not return to pre-hospitalization exercise; OR


0.3 [0.1, 1.7]

P = 0.19

0.3 [0.1, 1.1]

P = 0.07

  1. * Week 12 data used if week 18 data was unavailable