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Table 1 Demographic information and clinical measures of participants. A significant difference is identified by the asterisk

From: Frailty assessment using a novel approach based on combined motor and cardiac functions: a pilot study


Non-frail (n = 12)

Pre-frail(n = 40)

Frail (n = 4)

p-value (effect size)

Male, n (% of the group)

5 (42%)

8 (20%)

2 (50%)


Age, year (SD)

76.92 (7.32)

80.53 (8.12)

88.25 (4.43)

0.10 (0.55)

Height, cm (SD)

164.36 (9.13)

164.91 (10.18)

157.48 (9.95)

0.97 (0.01)

Weight, kg (SD)

66.58 (14.69)

77.33 (19.49)

57.78 (10.18)

0.15 (0.52)

Body mass index, kg/m2 (SD)

24.67 (5.55)

28.20 (5.77)

23.16 (2.01)

0.10 (0.55)

MMSE score, 0–30 (SD)

29.67 (0.65)

29.13 (1.38)

29.25 (0.96)

0.19 (0.50)

MoCA score, 0–30 (SD)

26.25 (3.08)

25.03 (2.90)

23.05 (1.00)

0.15 (0.46)

CCI score, 0–29 (SD)

1.42 (1.78)

3.79 (2.85)

4.50 (3.70)

< 0.01* (1.02)

PHQ-9 score, 0–27 (SD)

0.42 (0.51)

2.15 (2.86)

4.25 (2.87)

0.03* (0.93)

Fried criteria, n (% of the group)



  Weight loss


0 (0%)

1 (25%)




14 (35%)

4 (100%)




32 (80%)

2 (50%)




5 (13%)

2 (50%)


  Low energy


5 (13%)

3 (75%)

  1. SD standard deviation, MMSE Mini-Mental State Exam, MoCA Montreal Cognitive Assessment, CCI Charlson Comorbidity Index, PHQ Patient Health Questionnaire