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Table 2 AWESSoM studies: Collaboration, co-funding, study phases

From: Optimising function and well-being in older adults: protocol for an integrated research programme in Aotearoa/New Zealand


Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)

Co-funded partnerships



Impact & Sustainabilty

Māori older adults

Engagement with Māori olders, whānau


Participation research methods conforming to Mātauranga Māori knowledge and practice.

Modification of LifeCurve™ App for Māori.

12 week programme nutrition, sleep, physical activity.

Trial of LifeCurve™App.

Potential for broader adoption of intervention within Māori communities; adoption of the App.

Pacific elders

Pacific elders

Vaka Tautua (national Pacific health and social service provider)

Engagement with Vaka Tautua


Potential development of the LifeCurveApp for the Pacific community.

At-risk cohort

Māori community; Pacific elders; Age concern

ADL Smartcare


Age Concern: national charity representing older adults.

Engagement with Māori and Pacific communities; Engagment with Age Concern and agencies.

LifeCurve™ App modification to reflect NZ socio-cultural norms. Identification of broad range of national and regional health services, social & community services to list and describe on the App.

Iterarative pilot of the meta-assessment form for use with non-Māori, non-Pacific participants through discussion with each group.

Modification LifeCurve™ App for NZ sociocultural conditions, embed national and local resources on App

Recruit participants, train in use of App

Self-identification of position on LifeCurve trajectory

Use of App for 12 months

Concurrent embedded studies physical activity, sedentary behaviour, socialisation, oral health.

Long term adoption of the LifeCurve™ App supported by the BoP DHB. Continued updating of the App to reflect local resources and referral availability.

Residential care

Two facilities from a corporate Aged Residential Care organisation.


Engagement with staff and residents to identify key issues regarding oral care, sleep, cognition.

Dential assessments, provision of dental hygienist service. Sleep health assessments. Cognitive stimulation therapy.

Developent of approproate resources for oral care, sleep disturbance, cognitive stimulation

Profiles of multi-morbidity

Compass Health: PHO > 500,000 patients enrolled; 2 primary care practices selected for data capture.




Identify support needs for clusters of individuals to improve management of co-morbidities and enable independent living for longer.

  1. Abbreviations: ADL Activities of Daily Living scale, BoP Bay of Plenty, DHB District Health Board, PHO Primary Health Organisation