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Table 1 Descriptive analysis of the sample of institutionalized older adults (n = 104)

From: Sarcopenia and associated factors according to the EWGSOP2 criteria in older people living in nursing homes: a cross-sectional study


Frequency (%) / mean (standard deviation)

Median / IQR


84.6 (SD = 7.8)

86 (11)



88 (84.6%)



16 (15.4%)


NH Type

 State Subsidized places

86 (82.7%)



18 (17.3%)


Chronic Disease

5 (SD = 2.4)

5 (3)


62 (32.5%)



62 (32.5%)


 Cardiac pathology

43 (22.5%)



32 (16.8%)


 Diabetes mellitus II

32 (16.8%)


 Kidney failure

26 (13.6%)


 CVA (cerebral stroke)

21 (11.0%)


 Pulmonary pathology

20 (10.5%)


 Mental pathology

20 (10.5%)



18 (9.6%)



14 (7.3%)




6 (3.1%)



98 (96.9%)




9 (4.7%)



95 (95.3%)



6.9 (SD = 3.8)

6.5 (5)

 Group N

98 (55.1%)


 Group A

67 (36.6%)


 Group C

17 (13.1%)


 Group B

44 (23.1%)


 Group R

56 (33.1%)


 Group H

16 (8.4%)


 Group G

7 (4.2%)


 Group M

7 (4.2%)


 Group S

5 (2.7%)


 Group J

4 (2.4%)


 Group D

4 (2.4%)


 Group L

1 (0.7%)


 Group V

1 (0.7%)


Nutritional Status

 Good Nutrition

47 (45.7%)


 Malnutrition or malnourished

57 (54.3%)


Weight loss


22 (21.0%)



82 (79%)




13 (12.4%)



91 (87.6%)


Urinary incontinence


36 (34.6%)



68 (65.4%)


Faecal incontinence


36 (34.6%)



68 (65.4%)


Functional Capacity (Barthel)


5 (4.8%)


 Slight dependence

11 (10.6%)


 Moderated dependence

40 (38.5%)


 Total dependence

48 (46.1%)


Cognition (Pfeiffer Scale)

 No cognitive impairment

16 (15.4%)


 Mild cognitive impairment

10 (9.6%)


 Moderate cognitive impairment

25 (24.0%)


 Sever cognitive impairment

53 (51.0%)


Gait speed (SPPB)

 −/=0.8 m/s

46 (44.2%)


  + 0.8 m/s

3 (2.9%)


 Not evaluated

51 (52.9%)


Sedentary Behavior

 Average wake time

10.7 (SD = 1.16)


 SB (sitting or reclining) in hours

9.0 (SD = 1.64)


 Total waking time in SB (%)

84.2% (SD = 16.85)


 Hours in upright position (standing or stepping)

1.6 (SD = 1.91)


 Steps per day

1345 (SD = 2417.40)


 Sitting to standing transitions

18.2 (SD = 18.28)

  1. a Drugs: N (Nervous System), A (Alimentary tract and metabolism), C (Cardiovascular system), B (Blood and blood forming organs), R (Respiratory System), H (Systemic hormonal preparations, excl. Sex hormones and insulins), G (Genito urinary System/sex hormones), M (Musculo-skeletal system), S (Ophthalmologicals), J (Antiinfectives), D (Dermatologicals), L (Antineoplastic agents) and V (Immunomodulating agents)
  2. IQR Interquartile range