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Table 6 Case Examples of Enablers Experienced by Participants

From: Potential value of home square-stepping exercises for inactive older adults: an exploratory case study





Achievable goal

Shorter durations became more realistic

Easy/simple to follow, shorter durations

Participant 1: 10 min is easy, when I first started it felt a little difficult, then I increased it to 15 to 20 and 10 min in fact started to become easy

Participant 6: Not really, once you keep going you just kind of gain momentum… I always do more than 10 min

Home equipment

Supplied equipment helped physical activity

Helpfulness, convenience, value, flexibility, or no associated costs

Participant 4: Yes, it [i.e., Home Steps mat] was always set up… it was a convenience to me I didn’t always have to dig it up

Participant 8: It is nice, you don’t really need any special equipment. In the hall there’s a treadmill and a bike, at home, I keep my eye on that. But you can just stand up to the wall and do it…


Staying home to complete exercise was convenient

Suitable at home, no cost, own time, simple, no transportation, no gym, no specific attire, weather, short duration

Participant 7: Its convenient too, because you do it at your own time. I don’t like having to be at a certain place at a certain time

Participant 5: The fact that the program is all set up and it’s not difficult to do on your own


Physical fitness was important

Too inactive, afraid to fall, sedentary, maintaining activity, health benefit/quality of life, stay home longer

Participant 6: Yes, well I realize that I was not doing any exercise, like zero, I knew better but like many people they may have a rational thought about it, but they might not do anything about it

Case 2: Weight. My regular routine is sedentary, I do a lot of work at the computer and read books a lot

Preferred home exercise

Prefers exercising at home

Personal space, secure, without communication, indoors, easier to get started, lacking access to facilities

Participant 9:: When you’re home it’s quiet, I have my own place… I enjoyed doing the home steps personally myself

Participant 4: I like doing it at home, I wouldn’t go to a gym, I never been to one in my life, I get out and I do a lot around the yard and the house where I live now…

  1. Each quote is an example of a case where the barrier is experienced