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Table 1 Clinical characteristics of patients aged < 70 and aged ≥70 (70+) years

From: Age is the main determinant of COVID-19 related in-hospital mortality with minimal impact of pre-existing comorbidities, a retrospective cohort study


< 70

(N = 2504)


(N = 2302)


(N = 4806)


Clinical Presentation

 Age, years

58 [51–64]

77 [73–82]

69 [58–77]

< 0.001


910 (36%)

845 (37%)

1755 (37%)


 BMI, kg/m2

27.9 [25.1–31.2]

26.7 [24.0–30.1]

27.3 [24.5–30.8]

<  0.001

 Temperature, °C

37.9 ± 1.1

37.7 ± 1.1

37.8 ± 1.1

<  0.001

 Heart rate, bpm

91 [80–103]

86 [75–99]

89 [77–101]

<  0.001

 Systolic BP, mmHg

133 ± 21

136 ± 24

135 ± 23

<  0.001

 Diastolic BP, mmHg

78 ± 14

75 ± 15

77 ± 15

<  0.001

 Breathing rate, rpm

22 [18–26]

21 [18–26]

22 [18–26]


 Oxygen saturation, So2%

95 [92–97]

95 [92–96]

95 [92–97]

<  0.001

Medical History, n (%)


1036 (41%)

1720 (75%)

2756 (57%)

<  0.001

 Diabetes Mellitus

512 (20%)

701 (31%)

1213 (25%)

<  0.001


764 (31%)

1303 (57%)

2067 (43%)

<  0.001

 Chronic Kidney Disease

127 (5%)

392 (17%)

519 (11%)

<  0.001


206 (8%)

373 (16%)

579 (12%)

<  0.001

 Cardiac disease

488 (20%)

1218 (53%)

1706 (36%)

<  0.001


160 (6%)

612 (27%)

772 (16%)

< 0.001

  Heart Failure

46 (2%)

228 (10%)

274 (6%)

< 0.001

  Coronary Artery Disease

249 (10%)

574 (25%)

823 (17%)

< 0.001

  Valvular Heart Disease

50 (2%)

201 (9%)

251 (5%)

< 0.001

 Comorbidity count


< 0.001

  0 comorbidities

1073 (43%)

250 (11%)

1323 (28%)


  1–2 comorbidities

896 (36%)

842 (37%)

1738 (36%)


   > 2 comorbidities

535 (21%)

1210 (53%)

1745 (36%)

  1. Arrhyth arrhythmias, BMI body mass index, BP blood pressure, Conduc conduction disorders, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease