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Table 1 The effect outcomes of group, hand dominance, and manual precision tasks on strength performance and strength-stability control

From: The impact of aging and reaching movements on grip stability control during manual precision tasks


Strength performance

Strength-stability control


Grip force (kg)

CV (%)

Deviation error (kg)

Absolute error (kg)

Force-stability index (%)


M ± SD

t (p)/F(p)/Scheffe post-hoc

M ± SD

t (p)/F(p)/Scheffe post-hoc

M ± SD

t (p)/F(p)/Scheffe post-hoc

M ± SD

t (p)/F(p)/Scheffe post-hoc

M ± SD

t (p)/F(p)/Scheffe post-hoc



8.746 (< 0.001)**


−10.263 (< 0.001)**


8.824 (< 0.001)**


0.258 (0.796)


−10.338 (< 0.001)**


2.24 ± 0.42


7.86 ± 4.73


0.25 ± 0.43


0.36 ± 0.34


10.52 ± 7.92


 Older adult

1.93 ± 0.46


13.99 ± 9.56


−0.06 ± 0.46


0.35 ± 0.30


19.85 ± 14.00


Hand dominance


0.517 (0.605)


−0.614 (0.540)


0.678 (0.498)


−0.702 (0.483)


−0.560 (0.575)


2.09 ± 0.46


10.84 ± 7.53


0.09 ± 0.47


0.35 ± 0.33


15.09 ± 12.79



2.07 ± 0.47


11.25 ± 8.85


0.07 ± 0.47


0.37 ± 0.31


16.65 ± 11.99


Manual precision task


3.893 (p = 0.021)*


14.152 (p < 0.001)**


3.967 (0.019)*


10.380 (< 0.001)**


52.498 (< 0.001)**

 1. Stationary condition

2.09 ± 0.38

3 < 2

(p = 0.025)*

8.64 ± 11.02

1 < 2

(p < 0.001)**

1 < 3

(p < 0.001)**

0.10 ± 0.40

3 < 2

(p = 0.028)*

0.28 ± 0.31

1 < 2

(p = 0.005)**

1 < 3

(p < 0.001)**

8.82 ± 9.88

1 < 2

(p < 0.001)**

1 < 3

(p < 0.001)**

 2. Forward-reach condition

2.13 ± 0.48

12.02 ± 5.29

0.13 ± 0.48

0.38 ± 0.32

17.59 ± 12.33

 3. Backward-reach condition

2.01 ± 0.52

12.49 ± 6.69

0.01 ± 0.52

0.41 ± 0.31

19.69 ± 12.05

  1. Note. CV coefficient of variation, M ± SD mean ± standard deviation, t(p)/F(p) t-test (p value)/one-way ANOVA (p value)
  2. *Significant difference p < 0.05
  3. **Significant difference p < 0.001