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Table 1 Demographic and clinical data of ischaemic stroke patients with and without an acute therapeutic intervention

From: Acute stroke treatment and outcome in the oldest old (90 years and older) at a tertiary care medical centre in Germany-a retrospective study showing safety and efficacy in this particular patient population


Cases receiving acute therapeutic intervention (n = 64)

Cases not receiving acute therapeutic intervention (n = 147)

p value

Age in years

(median, [range])

92 [90–98]

91 [90–98]


Sex female / male

(n, [%])

43 [67.2%] / 21 [32.8%]

111 [75.5%] / 36 [24.5%]


NIHSS score upon admission (median, [range])

14 [2–40]

6 [0–40]

< 0.001

mRS upon admission

(median, [range])

5 [2–5]

3 [0–5]

< 0.001

Duration of inpatient stay in days (median, [range])

6 [2–40]

6 [1–23]


Number of drugs at the time of admission

(median, [range])

6 [0–12]

6 [0–17]


Way of admission (n, [%])



1. Self-initiated

2. emergency service (paramedics)


11 [17.2%]

5 [3.4%]

67 [45.6%]

3. emergency service (physician)

4. emergency room

5. other hospital

49 [76.6%]


4 [6.2%]

5 [3.4%]

10 [6.8%]


Aetiology (n, [%])



1. large-artery atherosclerosis

32 [50.0%]

60 [40.8%]

2. cardioembolism

10 [15.6%]

33 [22.4%]

3. small-vessel occlusion

1 [1.6%]

10 [6.8%]

4. stroke of other determined aetiology

5. stroke of undetermined aetiology (at discharge)

18 [28.1%]

37 [25.2%]

6. mixed aetiology

3 [4.7%]

7 [4.8%]

Vessel occlusion (n, [%])


< 0.001

1. Large vessel occlusion (anterior circulation)

32 [50.1%]

17 [11.6%]

2. Small vessel occlusion (anterior circulation)

13 [20.3%]

14 [9.5%]

3. posterior circulation

4. none

6 [9.4%]

13 [20.3%]

5 [3,4%]

111 [75.5%]