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Table 4 The caregiver support system of family caregivers of stroke survivors

From: Support system diversity among family caregivers of stroke survivors: a qualitative study exploring Asian perspectives

1. Types

Dyadic caregiver support type

Extended caregiver support type

Distributed caregiver support type

Empowering caregiver support type

2. Paid or unpaid



Paid/ Unpaid


3. People constituting support system (along with the family caregiver)

Stroke survivor

Family, friends, community (e.g., faith-based)

Family (mainly siblings), foreign domestic worker or FDW

Peer support group, healthcare providers

4. Activities included in the support system

Emotional support and mutual understanding

Complementary support with activities, including but not limited to visiting the stroke survivor and providing company, accompanying the caregiver for shopping, helping with the household chores, or lending a listening ear

All caregiving related tasks

Sharing information, gaining knowledge and skills, the avenue for getting new ideas, support and advice from peer caregivers who were more experienced

5. Setting: community or healthcare setting



Community/ Healthcare


6. Caregiver identity: most commonly coded descriptions from

Spouse caregivers

Spouse caregivers

Adult-child caregivers

Spouse caregivers

  1. The caregiver support system is operationalized as comprising of types, people and activities that enable the caregiver to participate in caregiving related activities sustainably. This could include paid, unpaid or both types of caregiving arrangements. Four types of caregiver support system are reported: dyadic caregiver support type, extended caregiver support type, distributed caregiver support type, and empowering caregiver support type. The following are the attributes described across each caregiver support type: paid or unpaid caregiving arrangement, constituting people, activities included, setting of operating of the support system and caregiver identity type most commonly coded descriptions came from