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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria by participant group

From: Patient and caregiver perspectives on a tool to increase recognition of undiagnosed dementia: a qualitative study

Patient Groups

All patients were required to meet the following criteria:

Enrolled in KPWA

Aged 70–85

At least one healthcare visit at KPWA in the last 12 months

Not living in a nursing home or special care facility

Comfortable speaking English without a translator

The following additional criteria were applied to specific patient groups:

Dementia diagnosis

EHR-documented diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or any other dementia in the past 24 months

No evidence in EHR of a low score on a cognitive screening testa

On phone interview, aware of being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia

SPMSQ (21) score with ≤4 errors at time of phone screening

MCI diagnosis

EHR-documented diagnosis of MCI in the past 24 months

No evidence in EHR of a low score on a cognitive screening testa

On phone interview, aware of being diagnosed with MCI

SPMSQ (21) score with ≤4 errors at time of phone screeningb

No dementia/MCI diagnosisc

No evidence in the EHR of a diagnosis of MCI or dementia

No prescription fills for a dementia medication

Caregiver Group

All caregivers were required to meet the following criteria:

Identified by a patient in the dementia group as a caregiver OR individual from the sample without evidence of cognitive impairment who reported being a current caregiver of someone with dementia.

Aged 18–85

Not living in a nursing home or special care facility

Comfortable speaking English without a translator

On phone interview, no self-reported problems with memory or thinking

  1. Abbreviations: MCI mild cognitive impairment, SPMSQ Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire, EHR electronic health record, KPWA Kaiser Permanente Washington, MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination
  2. a Most patients did not have any cognitive test results recorded. If they did have results from a MMSE or Montreal Cognitive Assessment, the score had to be above 20
  3. b SPMSQ score with > 4 errors indicates more severe cognitive impairment. These patients were excluded to help ensure that focus group participants would be able to meaningfully participate
  4. c Due to ethics concerns, we were not able to screen this group for cognitive impairment as part of recruitment