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Table 3 Interaction between probable rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder (pRBD) and sleep insufficiency on the risk of fall among a large community-dwelling elderly population

From: The influence of probable rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder and sleep insufficiency on fall risk in a community-dwelling elderly population




OR (95% CI) for pRBD

within strata of sleep duration

N cases/controls

OR (95% CI)

N cases/controls

OR (95% CI)

Sleep duration > = 6 h


1.0 (reference)


2.57 (1.46–4.31)

P = 0.001

2.57 (1.46–4.31)

P = 0.001

Sleep duration < 6 h


1.45 (1.11–1.88)

P = 0.006


1.17 (0.43–2.63)

P = 0.735

0.81 (0.30–1.85)

P = 0.638

OR (95% CI) for sleep duration

within strata of pRBD status


1.45 (1.11–1.88)

P = 0.006


0.45 (0.15–1.21) P = 0.130

  1. Measure of interaction on additive scale: RERI (95%CI) = −1.85 (−3.61, −0.09); P = 0.019
  2. Measure of interaction on multiplicative scale: ratio of ORs (95%CI) = 0.31 (0.10, 0.86); P = 0.031
  3. ORs are adjusted for age, sex, education level, marital status, occupation, residence type, family income, smoking status, drinking status, physical activity, protein intake, fruits and vegetables intake, BMI, family history of parkinsonism or dementia, fear of falling, fall history, and various clinical comorbidities (stroke, CHD, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia, visual impairment, hunchback, cognitive impairment, depression, ADL score, IADL score, gait and balance impairment)
  4. Abbreviations: pRBD probable rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder, OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval, RERI the relative excess risk due to interaction, BMI body mass index, CHD coronary heart disease, ADL activities of daily living, IADL instrumental activities of daily living