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Table 2 Demographic and clinical characteristics for older inpatients, divided by delirium status (reference standard) (n = 200)

From: Diagnostic accuracy and clinical applicability of the Swedish version of the 4AT assessment test for delirium detection, in a mixed patient population and setting



(n = 200)

Delirium absent

n = 164 (82%)

Delirium present

n = 36 (18%)

p value

Age, median (QL-QU)a

80 (73–87)

79 (73–85)

85 (78–88)


Gender, n (%)



105 (53%)

84 (51%)

21 (58%)



95 (48%)

80 (49%)

15 (42%)


Ward specialty, n (%)


 Severe cognitive impairment

67 (34%)

48 (29%)

19 (53%)


 Geriatric stroke/neurology

17 (9%)

16 (10%)

1 (3%)

 Geriatric multi-morbidity

16 (8%)

15 (9%)

1 (3%)


67 (34%)

54 (33%)

13 (36%)


33 (17%)

31 (19%)

2 (6%)

Admission to ward, n (%)



157 (79%)

127 (77%)

30 (83%)



43 (22%)

37 (23%)

6 (17%)


 Length of hospital stay, median (QL-QU)a

9 (6–13)

8 (5–13)

10 (7.5–15)


 Dementia at dischargec n (%)

52 (26%)

37 (23%)

15 (42%)


  1. a QL-QU = Quartile, Lower – Quartile, Upper
  2. b From Emergency Department (ED), other ward, other hospital or directly from own home
  3. c As main diagnosis or comorbidity, with ICD-10 code or reported in record text
  4. d Based on Mann-Whitney U-test (continuous variables)
  5. e Based on (Pearson) Chi-Square test (categorical variables)