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Table 1 Description of the variables according to Body mass index categories. Colombian and South Korean population

From: Body mass index, performance on activities of daily living and cognition: analysis in two different populations

n (%) or mean ± SD

Body Mass Index classification







P value

Korea (n = 4556)





91 (55.83)

1101 (55.58)

638 (49.53)

663 (58.99)

2493 (54.72)



72 (44.17)

880 (44.42)

650 (50.47)

461 (41.01)

2063 (45.28)



76.40 ± 9.82

70.39 ± 9.72

68.98 ± 9.17

68.40 ± 8.88

69.96 ± 9.47



1.18 ± 1.02

1.02 ± 1.08

1.11 ± 1.10

1.48 ± 1.19

1.16 ± 1.12





  No Education

27 (16.56)

135 (6.81)

59 (4.58)

51 (4.54)

272 (5.97)


   < High school

79 (48.47)

772 (38.97)

436 (33.85)

491 (43.68)

1778 (39.03)


  High school

39 (23.93)

760 (38.36)

579 (44.95)

417 (37.99)

1805 (39.62)


   > High school

18 (11.04)

314 (15.85)

214 (16.61)

155 (13.79)

701 (15.39)






105 (64.42)

1336 (67.44)

840 (65.22)

792 (70.46)

3073 (67.45)



45 (27.61)

419 (21.15)

301 (23.37)

227 (20.2)

992 (21.77)



13 (7.98)

226 (11.41)

147 (11.41)

105 (9.34)

491 (10.78)






117 (71.78)

1188 (59.97)

745 (57.84)

691 (61.48)

2741 (60.16)



46 (28.22)

793 (40.03)

543 (42.16)

433 (38.52)

1815 (39.84)


 Marital status



  Separated, widowed or single

100 (61.35)

1531 (77.28)

1029 (79.89)

849 (75.53)

3509 (77.02)


  Married or living with

63 (38.65)

450 (22.72)

259 (20.11)

275 (24.47)

1047 (22.98)


 Weight status



  No changes

114 (69.94)

1663 (83.95)

1131 (87.81)

1013 (90.12)

3921 (86.06)



49 (30.06)

318 (16.05)

157 (12.19)

111 (9.88)

635 (13.94)



0.68 ± 1.92

0.19 ± 0.99

0.14 ± 0.87

0.18 ± 0.99

0.19 ± 1.02



1.63 ± 3.35

0.64 ± 2.05

0.46 ± 1.70

0.54 ± 1.90

0.61 ± 2.00



22.74 ± 7.20

25.45 ± 5.29

26.18 ± 4.85

25.61 ± 5.27

25.58 ± 5.30


Colombia (n = 23,343)





377 (53.55)

3450 (46.36)

4279 (55.72)

5277 (70.18)

13,383 (57.33)



327 (46.45)

3991 (53.64)

3400 (44.28)

2242 (29.82)

9960 (42.67)



73.10 ± 8.71

71.17 ± 8.14

69.61 ± 7.32

71.46 ± 8.86

70.81 ± 8.19



0.94 ± 1.03

1.03 ± 1.05

1.30 ± 1.11

1.56 ± 1.18

1.29 ± 1.13





  No Education

230 (32.67)

2111 (28.24)

1810 (23.49)

1958 (26.91)

6113 (26.07)


   < High school

383 (54.40)

4075 (54.51)

4289 (55.67)

4158 (55.02)

12,907 (55.05)


  High school

71 (10.09)

954 (12.82)

1203 (15.67)

1056 (14.04)

3284 (14.07)


   > High school

20 (2.84)

330 (4.43)

401 (5.22)

382 (5.08)

1133 (4.85)






233 (33.10)

3117 (41.89)

3762 (48.99)

4136 (55.01)

11,248 (48.19)



283 (40.20)

3163 (42.51)

3290 (42.84)

2877 (38.26)

9613 (41.18)



188 (26.70)

1161 (15.60)

627 (8.17)

506 (6.73)

2482 (10.63)






262 (37.22)

2031 (27.29)

2069 (26.94)

3330 (44.29)

7692 (32.95)



442 (62.78)

5410 (72.71)

5610 (73.06)

4189 (55.71)

15,651 (67.05)


 Marital status



  Separated, widowed or single

408 (57.95)

3523 (47.35)

3222 (41.96)

3799 (50.53)

10,952 (46.92)


  Married or living with

296 (42.05)

3918 (52.65)

4457 (58.04)

3720 (49.47)

12,391 (53.08)


 Weight status



  No changes

663 (94.18)

7024 (94.40)

7307 (95.16)

7160 (95.23)

22,154 (94.91)



41 (5.82)

417 (5.60)

372 (4.84)

359 (4.77)

1189 (5.09)



96.79 ± 8.23

98.23 ± 5.68

98.48 ± 4.68

93.09 ± 16.22

96.61 ± 10.50



1.35 ± 1.81

0.82 ± 1.43

0.57 ± 1.18

1.19 ± 1.86

0.87 ± 1.55



19.99 ± 8.90

22.90 ± 7.68

24.57 ± 6.55

22.11 ± 8.49

23.11 ± 7.73


  1. BADL: Basic activities of daily living. IADL: Instrumental activities of daily living. MMSE: Mini-mental state Examination